"Police pop drivers' tires by accidentally dropping spikes"
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How the hell do you accidentally drop road spikes
Inspector Jim Wilson said officers put the "Tactical Deflation Device" (TTD) on the roof of their car to make room for a man they were arresting.
But they forgot to put the spikes back and they fell across several lanes of the Southern Motorway near Greenlane.
Bless. I've done that with sunglasses.
Who is upvoting this? It says in the story how this happened.
Read the damn article.
Wilson said everyone with a damaged car will be reimbursed.
Good on them!
I mean, I kinda feel that's the least they could do.
It really is, but it also seems pretty rare. I've seen plenty of stories where police raid the wrong house, smashing the door down, and basically say "you're on your own. We don't pay for repairs." though.
In New Zealand though? I can't imagine them getting away with it. That's property damage and the landlords association would have a fit.