Please please please, we need a better voting system. The one time I voted for the Liberals, and was excited about it too, was for voting reform. Never again.
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Yeah, the Liberals were careful with their wording. But only the Greens/NDP consistently support proportional representation (the only type of electoral reform that matters).
Read more: Fact Checking Justin Trudeau on Electoral Reform.
@AlolanVulpix that's the fun part, there is no democracy, and proportional representation won't change that. you cannot have kinder, gentler managers of capitalism. they don't exist and you can't make one.
Consider it harm reduction.
there is no democracy, and proportional representation won’t change that
Lol. Let's not contribute to the problem by spreading misinformation.
that's not misinformation. just say you don't know what you're talking about.
all i'm hearing is "waa waa i'm a liberal i think i know everything but it's all made up but i am the only correct person in the world based on nothing at all".
words don't mean whatever you feel like. there is no democracy in capitalism.
If you believe what you are saying is true, why bother getting into an internet argument?
because being grounded in reality is good, so i like to encourage others to do the same.
if the contradictions of the systems we apparently live under don't matter to you, why bother talking about it? what is the point?
if you don't want to understand how there is no democracy in capitalism, then don't talk about it.
but if that does matter to you, it will help to admit that perhaps you don't know what you're talking about and have let the boss' media do your thinking for you.
grounded in reality is good
I agree.
what is the point?
There is no point.