Was there supposed to be an image here?
Aotearoa / New Zealand
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Maybe that's the joke.
Ha! In that case, a quality shitpost
For some reason lemmy messed up the link..
I love these maps, its useful to show folks from both here & abroad how fricking massive New Zealand actually is (relatively).
We have challenging topography which does mean we'll never get a population comparable to Britain or France but its hard not to conclude that we are massively under-populated, and perhaps that puts a fixed limit on our economic possibilities.
Actually, Italy is a good example - they have a long mountainous spine too, and range from Alpine to Coastal same as us.
Waikato is mostly just paddocks. We could easily populate it if we wanted to. Hamilton could be as big as melbourne if we managed water properly.
But we don't know how to do infrastructure in this country.
I have some sympathy for protecting what the agricultural/horticultural lobby would refer to as productive land, and would prefer we build cities up more than out. But to do either well infrastructure & planning is the important bit.
I generally agree with building up rather than out. That's what they do in the rest of the world. Unfortunately kiwis seem to be allergic to living in apartments.