Cut the power! They have repeatedly said they dont need Canada! Time for them to PROVE IT!
British Columbia
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But doesn't it depend on how power is distributed in the US? I don't think it's centralized...I believe it's very regional. So any impact would be felt by the PNW alone...and I don't see Trump caring at all if Washington State is complaining to him about energy prices. It might actually work to the benefit of oil and gas states, which would have the opposite effect.
I may be wrong, but just pointing out that it's more complex than just "imports" and "exports"
The states affected by the power tariffs will be Mich, Minn and NY. rump most likely wont care, but maybe his supporters will think about voting with only hate in their hearts!
I don't think Eby is against that, but we already make big bucks (the premier quoted a billion dollars) off of Washington state already for selling power when they desperately need it and buying it when they don't to store it in dams.
Washington State is blue and BC doesn't want to hurt them if not necessary. Shutting off the power causes them pain but we also lose flexibility in our own grid and a lot of money.