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Primidi 21 Ventôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Mandragore: Zingari Zischtig
- Brush: Chisel & Hound Blaireau de la République with 24mm G5 Synthetic
- Razor: Puma 100
- Lather: Zingari Man The Watchman
- Postshave: Naissance 702 Witch Hazel
- Postshave: Pitralon Classic After Shave
- Postshave: Nivea After Shave Balm
Good shave: the Puma has the same buttered toast feedback like the Star razor – which is quite nice. I don't get as close a shave with this razor as with other straights I have, but I might have to improve the edge. But it delivers good comfortable shaves. And I notice that this year, I have only used my Russian Bear more often than the Puma. Animal spirits!
Have a good evening!
I’m hunting a Puma 91 High Class. 6/8, full hollow, faux tortoise shell scales, and lots of bling.
Good hunting!
I'm on it!
- Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Slow Dancing in the Dark
Day 6 of the TSF domination era of March Madness. Round 5 was an incredible victory for the TSF family. #1 again in the polls! And we're expanding TSF's lead for total MM points! 4 points ahead of second place Mammoth can you believe it? It's incredible, truly incredible. The people of wetshaving have given a mandate, they want TSF to win and we're gonna keep winning all the way through the end of March. Maybe we'll win March Madness a second time in April too, wouldn't that be something?
Mar 11, 2025 - MM25: Talent Soap Factory
- Brush: Highlander Brushes Jade 26mm Cashmere Synthentic Knot
- Razor: Aylsworth Razors Drakkant Ti
- Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Super Stainless (Green) [2]
- Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Moon Shadow - Soap
- Post Shave: Noble Otter - 茉莉綠茶 (Jasmine Green Tea) - Splash
- Fragrance: Gentleman’s Nod - Musashi - Eau de Parfum
Normally this would just be Talent Tea Tuesday for me, but it also works for March Madness. Today was another great selection of scents to start the morning off right.
Tue 11 Mar 2025: Day 6 of March Madness
- Brush: Chisel and Hound – Flame On with v26 Fanchurian
- Razor: C. V. Heljestrand MK Nº 31 (square point, full hollow, 5/8", carbon steel)
- Lather: Noble Otter – 茉莉綠茶
- Post Shave: Gentleman's Nod – Musashi
- Fragrance: Giorgio Armani – Thé Yulong
Delicious green tea overload to start the day? Count me in. The otter gets my vote today.
The Heljestrand is a smooth little shaver, and I'm in equal measure amused and confused by the thumb notch, and I'm still in the honeymoon phase with the brush and knot.
Scent-wise, we were on the same wavelength this morning. 🍻
Green tea++;
I plan for a Tea for Tuesday shave with Noble Otter as well. I’m also unclear on the benefits of a jimped thumb notch over a straight tang that is jimped, but it looks cool, and I know that makes it shave better.
Well put, no notes 😅
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
- Brush: Rad Dinosaur Creations "Stardust" - TurnNShave 26mm shoat
- Razor: Gillette - Slim Adjustable (L4, 1966)
- Blade: Personna - Lab Blue (5)
- Lather: Stirling - Stirling One
- Post Shave: Stirling - Stirling One Aftershave splash
- Post Shave: Ginger's Garden - Unscented Aftershave balm (+ menthol)
- Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company - Leather EdT
+1 for Stirling. I'm glad I snagged this one during the Black Friday sale.
Leather is still very very good.
March 11, 2025
- Brush: Wolf Whiskers – "Gianmaria" w/Maggard 26mm Synthetic
- Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
- Blade: Personna 74 (40)
- Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Oro Valley - Soap
- Post Shave: Noble Otter - The Night Before - Aftershave
40 uses on this blade. Really enjoying it. Not to sound too much like @[email protected], but at this point the blade has changed quite a bit from when it was new. When it was new it gave me weepers. It's less sharp now, but still sharp. Super close and comfortable.
Haven’t seen a sgrdddy post on the Nacet in months, but when you get to 600 shaves on that Personna 74, I’ll be happy to inspect it under a microscope for you ;-)
Well, I guess I have a new goal.
My theory is that keenness falls off at a non-linear rate. Once you are past optimal keenness and get to "not great", the rate of change is so slow that each shave will feel the same for as long as you use that blade. Thus, sgrdddy will have the same 5-pass shave he's having now for as long as he wants. In real terms, that edge is not changing any more.
You're probably on to something. Metal is pretty strong stuff unless it's very thin like the edge of a fresh blade (or a freshly honed straight razor). Once it has reached the thickness where an encounter with a whisker means nothing to it, it makes sense that it could carry on and on and on.
Yes, that's my reasoning exactly.
Mar. 11, 2025
- Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR
- Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
- Blade: GEM PTFE (7)
- Lather: House of Mammoth - You & I (Will Die) - Puck
- Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
- Osma: Osma - Osma
- Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20
Forgot how much I love this scent. Need to have it in my spring/summer rotation.
- Brush: Unbranded Marble w/ Maggard G5
- Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy Ti
- Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
- Lather: Catie's Bubbles - Blugere
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth Indigo splash
March 11, 2025
Brush: Grizzly Bay Shire 26mm V18 Fanchurian
Razor: Geneva Cutlery Co. 11/16 Hollow Ground Round Point
Lather: Noble Otter - Thé Noir et Vanille - Soap
Aftershave: Noble Otter - Thé Noir et Vanille - Aftershave
2 passes. Face lather. Good shave.
Today's Tea for Tuesday shave was really a shave test for a new edge. The edge is one of my typical Jnat edges, but one that ended with a misty tomo nagura slurry instead of one that was finished on plain water. I felt as if the shave was very comfortable but could have been closer. The ideal bevel angle for this razor measures ~16.5°, so there are no geometry issues. I'll be trying this one again.