this post was submitted on 16 Mar 2025
47 points (100.0% liked)

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I thought it'd be interesting to share this here! This post is from a community event in Reddit Pixel Dungeon that often gathers hundreds of votes, and the event is finally completed just a few days ago. The highest votes on what people think is weak (or boring/lame) is featured in this image, and it's a good way to measure what the community thinks overall.

I'd love to post the huge amount of comments and discussions to Lemmy, but it might be better to just visit the Reddit posts. There's some deep and interesting discussions from the community on why these things suck. The second-worst items that gained significant votes may also be worth looking into: chaotic censer, unstable spell, death mark, magic missile, transfusion, unstable enchant, etc

Regarding Chaotic Censer, I personally think recent updates have made it usable at least. It sucks when it destroys loot and wrecks players in cramped spaces, but the fact that it now shows the gas + direction before it activates, it's a good improvement. At least players won't be at the mercy of RNG deaths and we can adapt to the situation with the tools in our bag.

top 30 comments
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[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I want yog dzewa buff, wasn't there that new terrifying sprite that never got released? If only the boss fight is as terrifying as that sprite πŸ₯² halls quest boss will be cool as well to test endgame characters

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I think that's part of an artwork revamp that's still in the works.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

I'm surprised that the dimensional sundial trinket wasn't in first place or even second place. I don't hear people talk about it much. Personally, I really dislike that the effects are tied to the time of day you're playing. At least the vial offers a different yet consistent way to play the game regarding survival and you're choosing the censer because you like the chaos. The sundial is sort of in between.

The ring of tenacity is one item that people complain about all the time. I hope Evan reworks it a bit so that its benefits are a lot more noticeable at say starting 50% hp or something and make it clear in the description that its effect diminishes as hp goes to 100% :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Yea I dislike sundial too and I feel the effect is too small and probably only helpful for farming. Sundial got the third place vote it seems. Maybe it needs a third helpful effect that doesn't care about time of day :/

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

My personal pet peeve is the golden chest. It's supposed to drop something great (I mean, it's golden!), but often only contains random throw weapons.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Agreed and I remembered that I only got one seed and small gold, the gold chest room is never worth doing

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Wow I'm surprised that vial of blood actually outperforms chaotic censer as the most hated trinket. I know vial sucks but damn. Also good to see that people dislike Yog not because he's hard, but actually because he's too weak and underwhelming as a final boss. Sometimes I feel like the real final boss of shattered is demon hall floors... and demon halls seem to be voted because it feels incomplete without quest. The rest of these are unsurprising and it's always nice to see math breakdowns when discussing why certain rings are worse than the other

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Maybe it's just me but I personally think Censer is B-minus tier now, Cleric Cleanse can use Censer! Mnemonic Prayer still sucks though, dumping on Lance and Hallowed is way better. I'd personally vote for Vial, Mimic, Sundial, Parchment, Trap as the worst, the rewards are never worth the pain. Can't decide which is worst, but Vial has extremely niche uses. It's unnecessary on 0-chal and it's useless on high-chal since there's no dew, potion, etc. Salt Cube is better for diet. You somehow need to find good viscosity armor early in the sewers to actually pick Vial.

I'm more interested in the worst-craft section, cooking meat is obvious first place but I think the runner-ups are more important to tweak like unstable spell/brew, summon elemental, alchemize.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

The Wand of Corruption almost breaks the game when it's combined with the mage's staff. You corrupt an enemy, he goes off and kills somebody, you gain experience, you upgrade your staff, rinse and repeat. When you can turn every enemy into a thrall the game becomes almost trivial.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yup, I agree it can be good! But I think its main problem is that it's only good in a vacuum, but when compared to other upgrade options or wands it's inferior. It needs tons of SoUs for reliable corruption, making it hard to use especially with forbidden runes, and spending one charge + turn to give one random debuff is generally not worth it, as you need luck to find the right debuffs for the current situation. Other wands like lightning can just simply kill things immediately instead of debuffing, personally I think wand of corruption needs to be a good debuffer in the first few hits before it corrupts?

As for my personal pick for worst wand it has to be transfusion, I mostly just use it to prevent eye beams, maybe some small shields. It has its uses but I prefer blastwave or fire!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Yeah, transfusion is hot garbage.

Corruption gets good when the staff gives you plenty of reason to dump a bunch of upgrades into it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Have to read the whole posts for context

People like these, they just were forced to pick something from the tournament

They are not weak and they don't suck

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah that's why I really don't like this post. A lot of the things here are objectively good, but something has to be the worst.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

No one's forced to do anything man... people are free to express their opinions, just please let them have their fun with this event and say their opinions. You've been arguing against them to death for months because you know everyone's going to vote warrior and ring of tenacity, things that you're incredibly biased against. You can join in the discussion and disagree with your own opinions, but the problem is you never try to understand the other side and you just keep bothering everyone who criticized these, constantly trying to dismiss and "win" arguments :/ You mentioned to me that you had to leave r/pixeldungeon because people don't like you there, but a few people have noted that you're insufferable on r/shatteredpd too

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I'm literally just giving context

That picture gives 0 context, every item on that picture is there only because they got more votes, it doesn't matter how small the margin was, or how many people disagreed.

All that context is missing, which is why just saying these items "suck" or they are "weak" not correct

It's like saying "my comment got more upvotes, therefore I'm right"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Well yeah... that's why the OP recommends to see the posts for the full discussion. But for the most part these items won votes by a wide margin, the only exception I see is vial of blood who barely won against censer 2nd place. Yeah there's some disagreements here and there, but people generally vote the top comments because they agree with their points on why something sucks, and the disagreeing comments have low vote ratio against it. Tbh a lot of the "disagreements" come from you, like on the ring of tenacity post it's honestly impressive how you try to argue against so many people :/ I'm not going to argue on what opinion is "right" or "wrong", but I will say that this image is indeed just a rough idea on what the community thinks

I've also now seen the worst wand post and it looks like you've made even more enemies harassing darkblizzard and even rivlin got annoyed. You really need to calm down and please just let people have fun sharing their opinions

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Okay, first of all, stop getting personal for no reason, I don't even know who you are

And "OP" did a horrible job at giving context, that's why I'm commenting in the first place

They said "this is what the community thinks is weak" "there are discussions onwhy these things suck" which are both biased opinions, not context

There are people who disagree, there are people who gave different opinions and you and OP aren't respecting either of them. Just because you think upvotes make a difference doesn't make it so.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Oh I'm respecting people who disagree alright, just today I've been seeing all the posts from this community event, whether it's a popular opinion with 100 votes or the unpopular ones with <5 votes. But what more context do you need? On the tenacity post, people generally says it's the worst because if you break down the maths it's weak compared to other rings. On yog post the top comment says it's the worst boss because it's underwhelming, weak, and boring. If you want the full discussion of course you need to see the posts :/ But yanno what, the more I see these SHPD discussions from these events, the more I realize why so many people dislike you. Vordexxx got angry at you, Dekklin got angry at you, StickOnReddit got angry, the list goes on. You somehow have so much free time to argue every day, it's insane... I'm santaclaws on reddit and I too get pissed at you for trying to attack everyone for having opinions you don't like

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I also got harassed by him many months ago when I criticized the old salt cube, clover trinket and warrior. It makes it hard to talk about these things when you know he will appear every time you talk about these, and it's annoying to see that he's on Lemmy too. Best to just downvote and ignore him. On another note I'm loving the new clover trinket update!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Giving different opinions is not harassment.

Just downvoting everything I say, is one of the reasons a tournament like this doesn't work, and why it needs more context.

Straight up downvoting and ignoring, skews the result when the tournament is about upvotes

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

You say you respect opinions, but you aren't respecting my opinions.

And you are still throwing out personal attacks, for absolutely no reason.

When have I ever attacked anyone for having a different opinion than me?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

As I've said many times, it's not your opinion, it's your attitude. You're free to give your opinions and disagree, but the way you do it is so disrespectful and you'd always twist words to make people look bad, and argue people to death... Like on those worst wand posts, you've been trying to argue every single time and people have told you to leave them the hell alone. Tbh, after seeing this lemmy post today, I just wanted to see the rivlin posts afterwards and have fun. But then I saw you arguing everywhere on those reddit posts, and now you're here too trying to dismiss and shut down this discussion, and I had to say something

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Disrespectful how exactly? How do I twist people's words?

Do you know the difference between an argument and a discussion?

You think everything I say is an argument

I'm not trying to shut down this discussion, I only said I was giving context, and you took that as an attack

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yeah you're just gonna keep doubling down and never self-reflect. Think man, why did people block you on reddit? Why did people tell you to leave them alone? You discuss in such a harassing, dismissive way. And by twisting words you keep changing their meaning to counterargue easier... here on lemmy you did that too with the warrior discussion back then, and smear people to look bad. It seems like ever since rivlin announced the event, you've been trying to shut down the event on reddit by saying "this is just asking for trouble", "this is rigged", and you keep telling people that they have controversial opinions for saying corruption wand, tenacity is the worst... but then you went ahead and say exp potion is somehow the worst potion. It's like you're addicted to being a contrarian and wants to prevent the unpopular items from getting improved at all costs

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I literally don't do any of those things

First of all, I could care less why people block me, they don't need to give a reason

I really don't know what your problem is, but no one is telling me to leave them alone, I'm not harassing or dismissing anyone.

I don't know what warrior discussion you are talking about, it's been so long since I've even been on Lemmy.

And Rivlin's concept was problematic, becaue labeling stuff as "the worst" is going to end up offending anyone who likes those parts of the game. And upvotes favoring "experienced" players, made the whole tournament "rigged". Which also is another reason I wrote this comment, so people can actually have an incentive to look at the full picture instead of looking at the original post and misinterpreting it as "all this stuff must suck because the whole community agreed on it". Well it doesn't, not everyone agreed on everything

And the last bit just tells me you have a problem with my opinions, I'm not contrarian, I do have reasons for liking the stuff that I do, and that's okay, it's my opinion that I never forced upon anyone

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

This is the problem, you don't care about what others think... And do I need to screenshot everything? You might not think you're being harassing or dismissive or twisting words, but everyone sure as hell think so

Most recently, darkblizzard2215 told you "wow cautiousday can you f***ing leave me alone?". You can search it if you somehow forgot, unless you deleted your comments

stickonreddit says to you "I don't much care for dealing with people that intentionally misread things and you're already insufferable in the Discord server so let's just call it here"

Vordexxx says to you "My bad, I'm sorry you haven't read the first comment I did. I'm truly sorry for your reading comprehension. My 1st comment is my point and you're leading me away from it."

Search "hero tierlist" on lemmy and I can see you're being harassing and twisting words yet again. Then some days later you gaslit new members on lemmy by saying "Butt of the jokes where? I don’t ever see anything negative about the warrior". This makes it hard for new members to join here

You claim that you don't force your opinions on anyone, and yet everytime someone says something bad about warrior or tenacity ring or trinkets... you'd jump in to try to argue as much as you can. Most recently, Dekklin replied to you "Oh, it's you again. I told you, as have many others, you're not convincing anyone with that and I'm not going to debate it."

This has been going on for a long time, you said you had to leave r/pixeldungeon and now you're making enemies on r/shatteredpd too. Yes, people should look at the full picture, there are some disagreements, but in a democracy the majority opinion should take effect, not the minority unpopular disagreements (you mostly). Why are you so offended when people criticize the game, it's all for improvement

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I do care what other people think. I don't care if they block me. Blocking is a good way to disingage if you disagree with someone on everything.

The dark blizzard situation was an outlier, that response from them came out of nowhere. However my comment for them was justified, the tournament was skewed towards certain people, half the people weren't having their opinions heard

The stickonreddit situation was a misunderstanding, as they confused me with someone from the discord, and I don't use discord

The vordex situation was also an outlier, as i couldn't figure out what they were talking about and they refused to explain

The hero tier list situation, was actually an argument, but it's because an opinion I strongly have. And was not aggressive and it was not done in a harassing way, so I don't know why you thought it was

Every time someone says anything about warrior or tenacity, I discuss, I don't argue. Most of the time people have misconceptions about them, especially tenacity.

The r/pixeldungeon situation actually was not like this situation at all. There were people actively harassing me for their "personal enjoyment" which escalated to them actually taking it too far, which should never happen for having personal opinions, even with arguments.

Lastly, I'm not opposed to criticism, I'm opposed to some of other people's criticism, which is fine.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

No, it didn't came out of nowhere. You've been trying to dismiss blizzard's opinions every time he posts, so of course he snapped... As for stick and vordex, the main issue is that you're either changing or dismissing the meaning of their words, and this happens a lot even here on lemmy. And then you continue to stalk people like dekklin who is getting tired of being "discussed" to death. Just let people say their opinion without you always butting in, please. People will eventually gang up on you if you keep trying to "discuss" aggresively. I'm also getting tired of seeing you harassing everyone everywhere :/ you might not think so, but there's a good reason why people on r/pixeldungeon decide to harass you back. But nah, "everyone else is wrong, not me"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

No, it did come out of nowhere, I had only disagreed with one of their points before that, which is the stewed meat vs raw meat

And I don't diminish or change anything, why do you get that impression

I have no idea who dekklin is, so I don't know why you think I stalk anyone.

And you telling me to stop butting in. No, I won't stop. It's a community, I'm allowed to interact. If you personally don't like me, block me

Don't try to justify what people did on rpixeldungeon.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Man just check the worst ring posts if you somehow forgot. But yeah, keep butting in and angering people I guess.... I rest my case