Several episodes were wrong and had a libertarian agenda. The worst offender was the Global Warming one, but also, second hand smoke.
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I don’t like the Walmart one too
That said, Penn has always had evolving policial values, he has stated he basically had to give up libertarianism when covid happened and people couldn’t be trusted to do the right thing.
Penn leaned heavily into the position that without coersion or regulation people would generally "do the right thing". He leaned on this heavily within the show as well.
I get wanting to be positive, but that type of naivety from folks pretending to be "intellectual" and "skeptical" is completely ridiculous. It's a philosophy less complex than an average Disney princess.
Yeah he seems to not have a problem admitting when he is wrong.
Right-wing libertarian propaganda
Edit: Totally is, watched the whole series. Enjoy hearing specious bullshit from the cato institute for hours.