I am a Zennith of sorts, that believes in an atheistic God, gods or large interdimensional CODS. I am also a heretic (most religions)
Buddhism, including Zen: https://newbuddhist.com/ or... If you need advice on Zen try https://www.treeleaf.org/
This is a place to discuss simple living in all it's forms. Some may live a different life to you & that's okay, everyone is welcome here. Please keep it civil, we're all here for a good time.
I am a Zennith of sorts, that believes in an atheistic God, gods or large interdimensional CODS. I am also a heretic (most religions)
Buddhism, including Zen: https://newbuddhist.com/ or... If you need advice on Zen try https://www.treeleaf.org/
Glad to hear you find these ideas useful! I've been a practicing Zen Buddhist for nearly a decade now, and Alan Watts was of course my first foray into exploring these ideas, even though he himself wouldn't describe himself as a Buddhist. I was also raised non-religious and I'd say I was a staunch atheist for some of my teenage years, but the solace and insight I've found in Zen has been life-changing in many ways. It also made me way more interested in religion as a concept, and what religion means to people in general.
While all you mentioned might share some similar ideas, I think it's difficult to group them together completely and find an encompassing term. But Watts, Ram Dass and MIyamoto Musashi at least were all inspired by dharmic religions. Stoicism shares similarities with Zen, but is in many ways also quite different. I'd hesitate to say too much though as I haven't looked into stoicism a lot. Also, Zen is as much Buddhism as Buddhism is Zen. The first patriarch of Zen was Mahakashyapa who was the only one among the Buddha's audience who understood what the Buddha meant when he raised a lotus flower in the air without saying anything :)