I believe this was due to rate limits being misconfigured. Should be fixed now.
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Ive got some more info. Good news, sites not broken. edits to follow shortly.
Edit: Ive done some more testing and it looks like the length of the community name is the issue.
I was looking to create the community 'anaustralianphotographersnotesbook' but that seems to be too long.
I have successfully created some communities with shorter names (not display names).
I have to head out and will be away for a while, but can come back and do another reply in approx 12-14 hours after trying some more. I will see if i can replicate creating a community name y . Maybe its an issue with lemmy software and not the instance.
I was trying to create a community i could use and make posts like useful linux commands that others might be as ive searched for some things and gone to tech forums.
I wanted to have a place i could write some things (within site rules of course) and not have anyone else delete.
ah, that makes sense. anaustralianphotographersnotesbook
is 34 characters and the limit is at 26 currently.
Case closed. https://lemmy.world/c/anaussiephotographersnotes will have to do. Thank you. I'll see about closing the other test community I created.
Thanks for looking into it. I just tried again (on desktop and mobile earlier) but im still getting the same symptoms.
I am happy to raise a bug with Lemmy software at GitHub if the text about lowercase is outside your control.