This reminds me of my all time favourite lost redditor that asked for a Adobe Acrobat alternative on r/freeuse (which is not about free software but very nsfw). They were extremely helpful though.
Tech Support Memes
Memes about IT and computer related things, funny screenshots, or things you see out in the wild.
r/inflation never seemed to know if it was for Furries or for Economists
r/trees was absolutely sure what they were about. As was r/marijuanaenthusiasts.
The basic pdf editing options you can find in most browsers (including edge) is more than enough for most people
If you have a mac.. well, preview is bloody amazing
"Hate" is a strong word for my feelings towards Adobe Acrobat reader. But I really don't like it when I start it to view a pdf, you know the thing it is designed to do, and I have a weird popup, then a toolbar on the right with tools I can't use cause they're premium and a toolbar on the left and a toolbar at the top underneath the standard windows toolbar. I just wanna view the pdf man (also weird snapping when you scroll over a page). Haven't found anything nice yet that just works. I don't want to use Edge or a browser to view them and mupdf is too light weight. Would really like an evince for windows
The best pdf reader for me is Okular. It is free, open source and certified with the German "Blauer Engel" for it's energy efficiency (as first software ever btw)