For the record Rabbit Skins is a brand that sells blank shirts for people to print on, like Gildan or Bella Canvas. It’s not their design.
Trashy Zone
You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A terrifying journey into the depths of human depravity. Next stop, the Trashy Zone.
Following these rules will increase your odds of making it out of the trashy zone alive.
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I don't want a classist definition of trashy being this subs main interpretation of trashyness. Posts depicting decadent displays of wealth are encouraged
The five patron saints of the trashy zone are Charlie, Mac, Dennis, Dee and Frank from IASIP. Please pay homage to them whenever possible.
No overly dark topics like sa or child abuse. I want a light tone to this place. What consistutes too dark is currently up to moderator discretion.
Once this server hits 5k subs a community discussion post will be created. Ideas to build this community will be shared and discussed.
Utterly repulsive. It might as well say “PLEASE CALL CHILD SERVICES IMMEDIATELY”.
Where’s the right protecting kids from this shit?
They are the ones buying it.....
Make them drool early sounds like it’s advocating for pedophilia. That’s not just off putting that’s out right sickening.
Disturbing indeed
How is this not child abuse?
It is, but conservatives like child abuse.
...and conservatives shirts with rainbows are the problem?
Hooters are closing so the demand is getting smaller.
So are the hooters, apparently.
They are not shutting down or rebranding.
Enough with the u/spez posts already. Sheesh...
(This is a r/jailbait reference.)
This is like the shorts from the brand Juicy who also make kids clothes and put their name across the butt area.
Holy shit
South Park did it first!
But why are they called "Raisins"... Oh, I get it. Sick, funny and brilliant social commentary all in one. Well played.