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Bone Apple Tea
A community for funny phonetic misspellings of words or phrases. Bonus points if this misspelling comprises actual words, like this community’s namesake: Bon appétit —> Bone apple tea
No reposts!
Jokes on you. It's not violation if I consent.
Gonna need you to fax it over to HR, s'il te plaît
And another porn plot
What a weird porn movie plot
More creative than most.
This sign is correct. If you shoplift, you have to pay it off in sucking cock.
Think I saw this with the centaur and the therapist from Stepbrothers
Edit: on the subject of centaurs, why is this blowing up now, is it the fact that Trump stands like the front half of a centaur?
I have seen a video or two....
I saw that porn.
I think I've seen that one.
My ugly ass would bankrupt this place.
BRB, going to go steal some stuff and then turn myself in.
Ah, the rare (and valid) anal contract