Depends how old.
Overcooked/Overcooked 2 are great 4 player games with local coop
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Depends how old.
Overcooked/Overcooked 2 are great 4 player games with local coop
Try PlateUp. It's similar but I enjoyed it more.
I have it for PC but I think the PS5 version drops early 2024
This only covers games with a co-op mode, i.e. exclusively solo or competitive games are out of scope. It will let you filter by feature, player count, and platform. It's well worth having a browse.
I spend most of my family game time with 2 player co-op but some highlights that scale to more players are Rayman legends, Bonkies, and Sackboy's adventure
Jackbox games
Ultimate chicken horse. You can play locally and with people online. Play it with my kids (11 and 8) all the time and they love it. Tetris connect and Spelunky 2 are fun as well.
Edit: the Overcooked games are fun couch co-op games too.
Rabbids is really fun. Most of the PlayLink games like knowledge is power, chimparty, frantics, that’s you, just deal with it, uno. All of the jackbox party games. We probably had the most fun with the murder mystery trivia one. Little big planet, gangbeasts, wobbly life, goat simulator.
Lovers in a dangerous spacetime (I think that's what it's called) is a pretty fun 2d co-op spaceship flying game.
Just started playing this with my 9yo after Christmas, we're having a great time. Picked it up for a song from the Steam sale as well as Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes which we tried out yesterday. Had her sweating bullets but was fun and is a great opportunity to work on communication skills.
We also play a lot of Overcooked 2 (much better mechanics than 1) she is damn good at it. We 3-starred almost the entire base game and are looking at grabbing the expansions.
There's Nickelodeon Kart Racers, which supports up to 4 player split screen
Super monkey ball banana mania apparently has about a dozen party games as it compiles content from the prev releases. Have played some of them on the GameCube - Monkey Target being a fave.
Really great. Monkey Bowling and Targets. The main game is best played on gamecube imo.
Hidden in Plain Sight
Ones I love: Sackboy, Overcooked All You Can Eat, and Ultimate Chicken Horse
Upcoming: Plateup! and Make Way
I've also heard good things about Tomb Raider Temple of Osiris
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has local co-op up to 4 players.