Wtf is a "lunch dept"
Orphan Crushing Machine
A community featuring uplifting and wholesome news stories that overlook deeply ingrained systemic problems.
The rules:
1. Your post must be an unironic presentation of a wholesome story, but one that overlooks systemic failures that made the story possible in the first place. In other words, we want posts that highlight "Yay, the problem is solved!", but ignore "Wait, why was this a problem in the first place?" at the same time.
2. Re-posts will be removed at mod discretion.
3. Sitewide rules apply. Basically, (a) don't be a dick; (b) use the NSFW tag; (c) no spam; (d) don't attack people; and (e) don't abuse the report button.
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When children can't pay for their pizza hut in American schools, they incur debt.
Can't they just bring food from home?
No becayse that's literally communism and it's stealing profit from Pizza Hut.
These 7000 well fed kids will soon grow into teenage cheap labor.