Unfortunately this doesn't seem to cover the explanation for the process, but I did find an explanation (linked in my other comment)
I tried many years ago but couldn't readily find an explanation for the process/reasoning, but I did find one now in the video here and it does make sense I also checked Wikipedia and learned more:
All fluoridation methods, including water fluoridation, create low levels of fluoride ions in saliva and plaque fluid, thus exerting a topical or surface effect. A person living in an area with fluoridated water may experience rises of fluoride concentration in saliva to about 0.04 mg/L several times during a day.[3] Technically, this fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather controls the rate at which they develop.
Fluoride's effects depend on the total daily intake of fluoride from all sources.[51] About 70–90% of ingested fluoride is absorbed into the blood, where it distributes throughout the body. In infants 80–90% of absorbed fluoride is retained, with the rest excreted, mostly via urine; in adults about 60% is retained. About 99% of retained fluoride is stored in bone, teeth, and other calcium-rich areas, where excess quantities can cause fluorosis.[79] Drinking water is typically the largest source of fluoride.
Wouldn't it be better to give families vouchers for toothpaste and toothbrushes? Or have subsidized lower price ones available?
~~I never really understood how water briefly swishing through your teeth with some minimal amount of fluoride in it has any effect on the teeth.~~ (edit: explanation in the replies). Fluoridation comes across as a way for industry to legitimize toxic waste instead of having to treat it and dispose of it responsively and ecologically.
Meanwhile we are ingesting it when drinking tap water, along with our pets and all other animals that have access to the water supply, and we wash our hands with it and shower with it, and we ingest it further through crops/food that is grown/prepared with the water.
Tab Snooze - allows you to close a tab and have it reappear at a chosen time later
Media URL Timestamper - automatically inserts the current timestamp of the YouTube/Twitch video you're watching and updates it in the history in case you accidentally close/navigate away from the page or go to a different time in the video
Feedbro - RSS reader with filtering capabilities
Redirector - auto-redirect specific URLs (for example, changing a YouTube Shorts url into a regular one, or changing Reddit links to always go to Old Reddit)
Undo Close Tab Button - adds a list of recently closed tabs to the tab context menu and allows you to restore them (including the tab's history in the back button) (max amount = browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo)
Violentmonkey - using userscripts that allow you to change things on websites.
- For Instagram - unmuting videos + setting their default volume
- For YouTube - disabling the subtitles/captions + disabling "autoplay next" for playlists + disabling autoplay of channels homepage video
- a way to disable specific keyboard shortcuts (you need to manually add the code as a new script). I use
instead of/^(?:Digit|Numpad)\d$/
(thanks to this post), to also disable the End/I/O keys in addition to the number keys. (note: this can also be used for other sites, but you might need to changestopPropagation
, for example on Patreon)
- a way to disable specific keyboard shortcuts (you need to manually add the code as a new script). I use
- Note that, at least for Violentmonkey, if the userscript doesn't have the "://" part of the url in the @match line then you need to add it in the userscript settings after installing the script (for example, if the @match line of the script only has
then put*://*.youtube.com/*
in the "@match rules" line in the settings)
YouTube Comment Reader - allows you to search through the comments of a video (by clicking on the addon in the Extension menu and then clicking on the "YouTube Comment Reader" at the top or the "X Comments" at the bottom of the tooltip)
Page Shadow - allows you to use dark and light themes on sites that don't have the option to change it.
And if you're like me and you find that some YT videos feel too slow but 1.25x is too fast, then you can use Enhancer for YouTube's "Playback speed" feature to have smaller speed steps. Then you can hold ctrl and use the scrollwheel (while over the video) to change the video's speed by the amount you chose (I use 0.05 speed variation, mostly changing to 1.05x or 1.10x)
I've been using it for a few months and it's been great, but I just found out that by default it injects itself into all processes and it gave me the ick (for example if you use Firefox you can see in about:third-party
The explanation provided seems kinda logical but I don't know if it's legit or not
To add and reiterate what others have said:
- It's similar to following sports and knowing all the game results, who's injured/out for the season, etc.
- People like to feel part of larger society/culture, and to feel knowledgeable, to feel "in on things"
- It's a way to fill time/fill the void, a distraction from "real life" which can leave you feeling powerless/drained
- It can be a good conversation topic with friends when there's not much to talk about (or when other topics can be contentious)
Some ways to try to revert it (some have already been mentioned)
👉 Go to this page and check if you're able to opt out of the "Redesigned Watch Page" (source)
👉 Install a userscript addon like Violentmonkey, and then use a script like Classic Youtube Layout (which is based on this script which was outdated in regards to the related videos sidebar)
- If you get an error about the
line of the script then click onallow edits
and change it from*.youtube.com/*
, or install the script as it is and then put*://*.youtube.com/*
in the "@match rules" line in the settings tab of the script - There's also this script that you would need to add its code manually to the userscript addon by clicking on the new script icon (see the author's post for more details)
👉 Use uBlock Origin filters like these or these
- Note that
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false)
should be enough to change the UI back for the most part
👉 Use this userscript and Stylus style
👉 The addon Enhancer for YouTube (Firefox / Chrome) also reverts the UI, at least partially
👉 (might only work some times) Use the addon CustomTube - Firefox / Chrome (the default UI is from 2017 but you can choose 2021 in the settings. It's not exactly like the one from 2023 but it's close enough)
- note that it removes some buttons like Join by default so go over the settings if relevant
If you also want to change the number of videos per row in the subscription page and channels' videos page, then you can add this uBlock Origin code to the "My filters" tab (at the end click "Apply changes", or Ctrl+S) (this is for 6 items per row but you can change the number in the first 2 line as needed) (source 1 / source 2)
youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-renderer:style(--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;)
youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-renderer:style(--ytd-rich-grid-posts-per-row: 6 !important;)
youtube.com##ytd-two-column-browse-results-renderer.grid-6-columns:style(width: 100% !important;)
youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-row, #contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display:contents !important;)
youtube.com##ytd-two-column-browse-results-renderer.grid:not(.grid-disabled):style(max-width: 100% !important;)
Sure thing, here it is in a new profile, though for some reason I couldn't get the tab height changes to work without using the browser.tabs.secondaryTextUnsupportedLocales
For the more advanced, you can also mess around with the userChrome.css file. To create it open a text editor and save the file as userChrome.css in the \Chrome folder in your Firefox profile folder* (make sure to restart Firefox to apply the changes)
To enable the file, enter about:config in the address bar, then accept the warning if it appears. Search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets
and double-click it to set it to true
*enter about:support
in the address bar, or click on the Help menu > More Troubleshooting Information, then scroll to the Profile Folder line and click on Open Folder. Usually it's C:\Users\~USERNAME~\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\~PROFILENAME~
*Note: the first 2 lines about tab height might not work if you don't have the Playing/Muted text line in tabs disabled. To disable that line go to about:config, search for browser.tabs.secondaryTextUnsupportedLocales
, and add ,en
(or the relevant language that you're using in your system) at the end of the value for it then click Enter and restart Firefox to apply the change.
Here's the userChrome I use (compiled from different sources)
/* Tabs/Tab Bar height */
:root {
--tab-min-height: 20px !important;
--tab-max-height: 20px !important;
/* Menu Bar height */
#toolbar-menubar {
margin-top: 0px !important;
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
padding-top: 0px !important;
padding-bottom: 0px !important;
line-height: 22px !important;
max-height: 22px !important;
/* Fixing title bar buttons (close/min/max) due to shortened Menu Bar height */
#toolbar-menubar .titlebar-button {
padding-block: 1px !important;
/* toolbar/address bar/url bar height */
/* https://github.com/CarterSnich/firefox-xtra-compact/blob/master/chrome/userChrome.css */
toolbar#nav-bar {
max-height: 30px !important;
hbox#urlbar {
min-height: 22px !important;
hbox#urlbar:not([focused="true"]) {
max-height: 22px !important;
/* Menu Items height/padding */
menupopup > menu, /* this is the sub-menus/folders/containers */
menupopup > menuitem {
padding-block: 3px !important; /* above and below each item */
margin-left: 0px !important; /* margin is the outer space around an item */
padding-left: 8px !important; /* padding is the inner space inside an item */
margin-right: 0px !important;
padding-right: 7px !important; /* otherwise some text in menus gets cut off with ellipses */
/* the padding of the menu itself */
menupopup {
--panel-padding: 1px !important;
/* the text part of the item/sub-menu */
menupopup > menu > hbox, /* this is the text part of the sub-menus/folders/containers */
menupopup > menuitem > hbox {
margin-left: 0px !important;
margin-right: 8px !important; /* otherwise some text in menus gets cut off with ellipses */
menuseparator {
padding-block: 0px !important;
--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 1px 1px !important;
--arrowpanel-menuitem-margin-inline: 1px !important;
--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-block: 1px !important;
--panel-separator-margin-horizontal: 1px !important;
--panel-subview-body-padding-block: 1px !important;
/*(The 2nd number in the first line refers to the left side and right side of the item)*/
/* Spacing/padding around addons icons in the toolbar/urlbar */
:root {
--toolbarbutton-outer-padding: 0px !important;
--toolbarbutton-inner-padding: 7px !important;
.toolbaritem-menu-buttons {
margin-inline: 0px !important;
margin-inline-start: 0px !important;
margin-inline-end: 0px !important;
#tabs-newtab-button {
padding-left: 3px !important;
Sorry, it was unclear in my comment. By "it’s actually part of the Mozilla Corporation" I was referring to Firefox, not Mozilla Foundation
The issue is, do they have the know-how for developing/maintaining a browser/engine?
If they manage to get ex-Firefox devs on board then they might be fine, but otherwise if they're on their own then that's like asking electricians and painters to build/maintain an entire house. They might not have the knowledge/experience to do so.