I have Sync for reddit and sync for Lemmy on my phone, it's confusing as hell but I can't complain lol
I dual boot and can confirm the drivers on Windows are perfectly fine (I have a 7800XT). There is still a jank factor with the included gui and you have to stop windows from auto "updating" (actually a downgrade) the graphics drivers because windows sucks ass.
I wish it worked like that, at least then these headasses wouldn't be dragging everyone else down with them when they decide not to get a shot
It has its own charm once you get used to it lmao
I get your point but this is fucking hilarious
So this is how I'm gonna get radicalized huh
Kinda cool to be in the front row seat tho ngl
Tbf I'd argue that the candidate switcheroo wasn't exactly part of the 2016 playbook
Warm regards to those communities and users commenting the "both bad" mantra for months. Going to be a whole lot of surprised pikachus today
Yeah because there's absolutely no other reason that place would give off that impression, nosiree