This game was a bit of a mess, but with friends it was so good.
I don't love this, but I use it for free. What can I say really?
No lie I'd be just as happy with this game if I paid full price. The kool-aid is tasty over here.
I used it yesterday and it still feels fine tbh.
While I want to agree with the sentiment behind what you said I find it really hard to get behind government legally telling people what they can and can't say. I personally feel like it's every skinhead assole's right to say racist awful shit. I also feel like if you're going to exercise that right with reckless abandon, you're gonna get fucked up by some people who don't take kindly. As detrimental as their regressive views may be, I believe we simply cannot have legal punishments for saying something the government doesn't agree with. It's a very slippery slope.
Yeah, unless something is actually breaking stuff with how unbalanced it is, then I say let the min-maxing of the meta be left to competitive shooters. I'm not too worried about it if some guys railgun is really strong as long as my other weapons aren't just totally non-viable. Taking the "non meta" weapons is where a lot of the fun of this game comes from.
Pan's Labryinth comes to mind.
See, idk if that's it. I almost want to say it's about the means of communication. In this comic, they're doing the same thing to one another, however one is drawn to be loud and aggressive while one isn't.
I'm over here amazed with how many times I had to read the headline before my brain would register what was wrong. It's times like this that I can almost understand how stuff like this happens. Ha
HA! Jokes on you, I get a side of fries too.
I care. ๐