It's google, it's okay when they do it /s
I'm glad to hear that, have fun buddy. If it stops working one day feel free to dm me so I can fix my Frida script :)
Well that was quick :D Have fun buddy
No biggie, I quite enjoy helping people :) I tried to keep everything as simple as possible
Don't worry, I made you a quick install script to setup Frida for your Specific use case:
mkdir "$DIR"
cd "$DIR"
python -m venv "./python"
source "./python/bin/activate"
pip install frida-tools
unxz frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86.xz
chmod u+x frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86
echo "#!/bin/sh
source ./python/bin/activate
frida -R -l _agent.js \$(pidof steam)" >
chmod u+x
echo "#!/bin/sh
sudo ./frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86" >
chmod u+x
Make sure that your system has python3 installed, otherwise the script will most likely fail.
Now run my script, then download my _agent.js from and put it into your /home/YourUserName/Frida folder. After that navigate there and run ./ in your terminal. Open up another terminal in the same directory and enter ./ already, but don't press enter yet. Then startup steam and quickly execute the previously prepared ./
That's it, good luck and enjoy :) If something's unclear feel free to reach out, and I know injecting it is annoying but I just can't be bothered to make yet another script to inject it fully automatically just yet
No biggie, let me upload it for you and also create a quick tutorial
If you only need a simple dlc unlocker + family sharing bypass for the native steam linux client I can give you one. It's a frida script, so it's unwieldy to inject it
I certainly do. Most social media algorithms feed you content that it thinks will generate interactions. Lemmy does not do that which results in whatever you decide to post having more meaning because there's no stupid and/or manipulative machine deciding wheter your post is or isn't worth seeing
Vimms Vault has xbox 360 games
Kodi has some IPTV addons