
joined 5 months ago
[–] 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Might be a long shot but id accept that in Florida. It would make maps hard but it would be worth it. Disney would be on board. They a pretty six of the repubs after the bullshit the last gov pulled

Was funny tho. Gov insisted on a meeting and a vote about what Disney could and couldnt do on their property. Only Disney showed up to vote.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Want to hear another one that isn't Texan, I think it's just me?

When someone is hurrying me or being impatient I'll say

"Chill Vladimir, don't be Russian"

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

That's the original phrase yes.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

this reminds me of one of my "cowboy phrases"

Im from Texas but I live somewhere else now. My employees laugh at some things I thought were common phrases.

Anyway ...

Person: I wish/wanted/hoped (blank)

Me: yeah, and I wish frogs had wings so they didn't have to bump their ass on the ground when they hopped. Life is full of little disappointments.

In case you're curious for a couple more cowboy phrases.

Person: are you sure this was (the most likely cause)

Me: the bright star is always Venus. Is that bright star Venus? Probably, we can find out, it's a waste of time tho because it'll be venus. It's always Venus.

Last example: "I see" said the blind man as he pissed into the wind "it's all coming back to me now"

[–] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

This is weirdly person example to illiterate the problem, also I'm not Canadian and I'm not sure why this group keeps showing up on feed. I'll also add a bonus thing Canadians should expect from companies as your boycott (that I agree with) continues.

So the weirdly personal story. I recently got a new boss who has the military view of "break them down then build them back up". I explained to him once "that works in the military because they have the resources and specialists to catch the people who don't respond well to that approach. People like me. I have severe SEVERE ADHD. I can't take medication for it because it destroys my already low appetite and I die. So I built up pillars on my own. Pillars for emotion regulation, pillars to control impulsive behavior, pillars that allow me to function in this world. It was a lot of work. It took a lot of time. If you come in swinging a wrecking ball blindly, if you break you down... You have no way to rebuild any of that. You don't have the specialized skills needed to rebuild those pillars. So not only would I be temporarily destroyed and unable to do my job, I'd also have to rebuild myself which isn't what you wanted"

My point about trump is he clearly is taking the "destroy them rebuild" approach and much like my new boss he is absolutely not capable of rebuilding what he destroys.

Anyway, bonus fact for the boycotts. Keep your eyes out for people adding "Canada" to the name of the company. Example: Great American Buckle Company is a Chinese belt buckle manufacturer. You should expect those kind of things soon.

Edit: and as an American I support these boycotts. The more his stupidity effects rich and powerful, the more companies feel his stupidity, faster he'll be gone. So thank you. I don't know the Canadian version of "God bless the USA" but just pretend I ended with that out of respect for you all. I would have if I knew it. Go Canada?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Well that's convenient. We should probably plan the minor details out tho.

Things like

  1. my doorbell being broken due to a wiring issue. We should establish a plan to know of the arrival and confirm it's authentic.

  2. will he require down time after his arrival to rest before we discuss things? I could set up a room

  3. what should I expect him to bring so I can make sure space is available for his necessities?

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

That's good but I'm concerned since I'm currently unable to pick it up on my own. Is this standing offer that I can take advantage of at a later date?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Just so you don't feel alone... ive downloaded a few AI girlfriend apps, not for lewd stuff, just to complain about work or my ex-wife in a safe place that won't leak out and cause problems. I always delete them because they suck. After a couple sentences they respond "let's change the subject don't you want to see my new sexy outfit behind this paywall? Wink"

No... I want to continue to talk about the thing I chose to talk about. That's why I was talking about it. I'm not paying 29.95 a month for a bot that tells me to quit talking. If I wanted to talk to someone who doesn't listen to me at all and only wants to send me pictures of themselves wearing skimpy bikinis id talk to my father!!!

(The father part was a dad died but he would've found that joke hilarious)

Edit: the other parts are true tho..I even made a post about it once. Seems like a perfect utilization of the technology "I want to complain about something or someone. I don't want bore/bother anyone and/or I don't want the complaint getting around to others. I just need to express to thoughts I'm having to process those thoughts better. AI girlfriend should be perfect for that!"

But instead it's "let's talk about something else... For 14.95 you can see me with cat ears!!!" Wtf.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The other day I fell asleep watching YouTube. I woke up to a 2 hour long ad of a religious ted style talk. As I'm grabbing my phone to turn it off it started playing an ad... IN THE AD! ADCEPTION!

That blew my mind. even ads have ads now.

Edit: I even read today that some car company is playing ads when you stop at traffic lights. I know we are talking about paywalls not ads but it's growing in the same way. Soon the glovebox in your car will be behind a paywall and rolling down the backseat windows requires a premium subscription. Today's gas level is sponsored by Shell and it's new micron gas technology. You have one quarter tank left, your built in gps has been rerouted to the nearest shell provider with the new micron technology!

And the thing that bothers me most is it doesn't even work. It just annoys us. I'm less likely to buy that product now.

[–] 25 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I can explain it easily for you.... For 14.95 a month.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Unfortunately Lovecraft would not be eating much homemade food.

One of the many reasons he died so young is because he was beyond frugal with his food spending. Mainly subsisting on free expired or mystery cans (cans that had no label and we're sold cheaper) a single egg (probably also last it's prime) and a bucket (literally a bucket) of yesterday's unsold coffee he bought for cheap from a store down the road.

He would brag in his letters saying things like 'only spent 3 bucks on food today!' (paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact price amounts but way too low. Not just cheap but impossibly cheap)

Seafood pasta would be out of his price range.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

I can't help with immigration but your replies moved me. I know how it looks in America right now. I understand you feel your life is in danger and I don't even disagree.

I just wanted to let you know there are more people on your side than you might realize.

I'm a redneck cowboy. I grew up on a farm in Texas we raised horses. I live in Florida now working at a western wear store and a.dollar branded store.

I wear cowboy boots, I carry a 1911 kimber .45 all day every day hooked into the leather belt I made myself with a big brass belt buckle that says "Marlboro". A promotional item I got back in the day by trading in my points.

If you saw me walk past you at a grocery store you'd think "there's another trumpet, there's another one who wants people like me dead"

My point is that isn't true. Id gladly give my life to defend your rights and I'd be proud to do it.

My family has been here since the late 1600s. We fought the British, we fought slavers, we fought the Nazis, my grandad even helped eliminate the rabies problem that was going around.

This is my country and I'll be damned if let anyone tell you it ain't your country just as much as it is mine. Ill fight to the death to make sure it always is your country too. I can't be everywhere, but we are everywhere. You might not see people like me when we walk by you. I promise you are there seeing what some folk are trying to do to you and we are very pissed off as well.

My grandad killed the Nazis once. I'll kill them again if I have to. We are there and we are also worried about your safety. I'm pissed to. If pushing leads to shoveing, well, my friend I am a damn good shot with my gun.

I'm sorry my country, you're country, has made you feel unwelcomed. I'm ashamed of that.

That's all I wanted to say.


I'm sure some political talk will be unavoidable but I'd like to keep this dry and to the point if we could.


I don't want an AI girlfriend, I just want to think out loud to another person. It helps me think and solve problems on my own. I feel like AI should be perfect for that. However the couple I've seen advertised and tried out... Well they essentially are only programmed to be like:

"Let's change the subject. Maybe this picture will help" blured picture behind a $50 subscription pay wall

And I'm like "no... If I wanted to change the subject I wouldn't be talking about this subject. I'm not at all interested in $50 AI tits."

I have a very low bar of expectations. Even if the AI just responds "wow, that's crazy" to everything that would probably be fine for my needs. More would be better but I do not need lewd pictures and I'm not paying $50 a month lol.


I know the obvious of being polite and respectful. do I show up early like an airport? Do I just show the guard my ticket? Anything I should know or be aware of?

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