alleged my ass, i saw him personally kick his wife in the ribs by a dumpster behind a winnipeg montanas in 2016. really laid into her. i thought about saying something, it seemed like he was deliberately trying to kill her. but thats when i realised it wasnt his wife, it was a giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, and it made direct eye contact with me, staring at me between winces with those big red eyes.
then it said if i wanted a turn after him, it would cost "about tree fiddy"
I had a crippling migraine. I thought I was going to die. I crawled to the bathroom and ran the tub, tears streaming down my face. I felt so weak, every movement made my head feel like it was going to explode.
I got my partner to grab me some water and Advil as I lay in the bath. I stayed there all night: head pounding, wishing I was dead, dreaming of drilling a hole in my skull with a power drill just to relieve the pressure behind my eyes.
Eventually, it passed, but it lingered for the rest of the week, consistent, though much less intense.
The following day, I got a call from my mother. She was worried about me. It turns out she’d had a dream that I had died in a bathtub, and she wanted to check in.
Later that day, I saw an article on quantum immortality, and remembered a part from the game Alan Wake, where a TV segment you can come across discusses the theory.
Essentially, at certain moments there is a quantum break, which creates alternate realities, where you, or you conciousness shifts to a universe where you are still alive, but also creating alternate versions where you die.
so basically,you never experience your own death
Sometimes I wonder if I did die in that bathtub. The world I woke up in only seems to be getting stranger and stranger each day.
Or perhaps not. Who knows? There are many mysteries in life. And to many, that’s what gives it meaning.
Who am I to question the incredible strangeness of existence? And who would I be if I pretended to know its secrets? ...Evidently, nobody of consequence.
just to add to this.
sugar glass spheres
coat the inside with liquid wax before adding paint to avoid disolving the sugar. relatively easy to scale with a mould. you can easily make reusable moulds at home. just get a christmas ornament, a classic ball shaped one. and make your moulds from that shape. you can probably buy a mould kit from your local art supply store, or online, maybe even an silicone mould exists for something like cocktail ice. remember to rotate your moulds so that the melted sugarsugar doesnt just fill the whole mould. you want even, thick layers and a hollow middle.
non toxic, natural, breakable, and less likely to harm someone physically. its been used in film for decades for this purpose.
a few extra steps maybe, but if you are smart, its easy to scale. and safer than lightbulbs.
dont forget to keep them cool, if its hot, bring a cooler bag with some ice packs.
heres a write up of the recipe.
Basic Sugar Glass Recipe:
2 cups white granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup water
(Optional) 1/4 tsp cream of tartar – helps prevent crystallization
(Optional) Clear flavor extract if you want it scented
Candy thermometer
Heavy saucepan
Molds (see below for the hollow sphere method)
Cooking spray or silicone mold release
Gloves (it’s lava-hot!)
Cold dry space for cooling
Steps to Make the Sugar Glass:
Combine sugar, water, and corn syrup in your saucepan. Stir gently until combined.
Heat over medium-high WITHOUT stirring once it starts boiling. Stirring at the wrong time = crystals = cloudiness.
Cook to 300°F (150°C) — the "hard crack" stage. This is crucial. Any lower and it’ll be soft. Use a candy thermometer and patience.
Remove from heat once it hits temp. Don’t wait—sugar burns fast.
Pour into molds immediately. It cools rapidly.
For a Hollow Sugar Glass Sphere:
You’ll need:
2 round silicone hemisphere molds (like for chocolate bombs)
Cooking spray or mold release
Optional: warm metal spatula or blowtorch for fusing
Spray your molds lightly so the sugar doesn’t stick.
Once sugar hits 300°F, carefully pour it into each half-sphere mold. Rotate and coat the sides if you want it thin and hollow.
Alternative: Pour in, then quickly pour out the excess to leave a shell (like blowing out an egg).
Let each half cool completely (30–60 min).
Warm the edges of each cooled half (with a warm pan, hot spatula, or brief torch) and press them together to seal into a full sphere.
Let it harden. You’ve now got a hollow sugar glass orb.
you can do this several times to make the layers thicker. do some tests first to see which one works best.
then coat the inside with a layer of melted wax before add your liquid.
To fill with liquid:
Before sealing the two halves, spoon or pour in your liquid quickly (thick paint, colored oil, syrup—just not water-based paint unless it’s going to be used fast).
Then seal the final half immediately.
Work fast: sugar glass sets in minutes.
Keep it dry! Humidity is sugar glass’s arch-nemesis.
Want it crystal-clear? Don’t stir while boiling, use fresh ingredients, and maybe strain it through a fine sieve.
also i guess you could fill them with dyed cornsyrup as well. itll be sticky as fuck.
Do not don the coat of a fallen cause.
The curse of its failure lingers, a specter drifting through the stories of those necromancers who dare to summon it from the dust, who seek to give flesh to bones long buried beneath defeat.
Why? Why take up arms for a dream that devoured its own children? Why believe in the facade hammered upon the anvil of despair, a shape forged for a world without light?
Does the tale end with you, a shadow standing tall above the broken, serfs and servants bent beneath the weight of your hunger, their knees cracking under the burden of your thirst, never sated, never quenched?
Fear is the plague of the weak-minded, whose souls warp and twist in the hands of hate, for a visage they do not understand. And you, you wield that fear as a maul, crushing your enemies, filling the basin of your greed with the last of their blood.
In your heart, you know the road you take, the road paved in ruin, where fortune once lay scattered like fallen leaves, now burned to ash beneath the wheels of your chariot. A lonesome path, leading only to oblivion.
Yet still, a question haunts you, woven in the rhythm of hooves upon the earth, in the cold breath of the pale horse that follows close behind, its ethereal rider whispering through the silence:
"Will I be a king? A god? If I reach the end of this road, paved with the bones of those I betrayed?" "Is it destiny that guides me to the gate of my kingdom?" "Or is it the folly of man, forever blind in his pursuit of happiness at any cost?"
This question has been answered, time and time again, its echoes carved into stone, whispered in the ruins, remembered by those who bore its horror. And still, the rider comes. Still, the pale horse treads closer.
You cannot outrun him. Your chariot, laden with the weight of your vanity, drags behind. Your horses falter, worn from carrying the spoils of your conquest. And yet, it is not too late.
Shed your burden. Turn back, submit to the wrath of those you wronged, and let fall from your hands the riches you once held so dear.
Time will judge the weight of your sins, and decide the fate of those who refuse to let the dead rest.
Do not don the coat of a fallen cause. Leave it where it lies.
Edit: for those who may not understand, the coat of a fallen cause is a reference to fascism, in particular, the nazi party.
Thank you.
Oh, how quickly you fold when bread becomes sparse, and your lips crack from thirst. How sour is your tongue when it has not been sweetened by honey?
And was it not by your own hand that this ruin befell you? Now, you cry out in violence, the very words of your enemies spill from your mouth. How strange is the mind of man, that less creates more… More rage, more haste, more reckless fire to right the wrongs that have long since turned your hearts to stone.
How quickly you shove coal into your chest to rekindle the flame of rebellion, yet it was your own hand that doused it Exchanging fire for the false safety of idols you once swore to tear down.
Did the Devil whisper you down into hell? Or was it your hatred of creation itself your refusal to accept its infinite, untamed form, that led you here? Perhaps you were confused. Frightened.
You sit in a pot And the pot has begun to boil. But once, the water was cool. Then, it turned warm, pleasantly so, like a babe being washed in its mother’s hands. Safe. Familiar. Until, suddenly, that warmth became something else. And now? You fear you have become the "straight-legged frog."
Do not fear. No man lives forever. No empire is impervious to the tide. Creation, be it by God or by chance, does not waver. It is inevitable.
But who will you be in the abyss of this madness? Will you fight to right your wrongs? To tear down your idols? Or will you repeat the cycle, burning in the same fire that once consumed your enemies?
And so, a final lesson.
A gift of gold always has a price. A gilded cage holds no value to those inside it. Their only currency is freedom, and they have none to give you. That is something you must find yourself, in the eyes and hearts of those who stand beside you.
Do not envy the prisoners of their own palaces. The siren husks sing their auspicious songs, beckoning you closer, but you must deafen your ears, for their claws grasp at all they can steal.
Greed, power, and envy have rotted the moat around their golden halls. And those who step too close are swallowed whole.
Let them be forgotten. Let them hunger. Let their lips chap with thirst. Let their tongues grow sour in the absence of honey.
Only then, stripped of comfort, will they know the truth. Bare, as all are at birth. With no recourse to feed their addictions.
Perhaps, soon, we shall witness such purity together.
Do not fear. Change will come. First through sorrow…
And then
Let us survive the sorrow first, shall we?
side note, if you are really fed up with this news cycle, you could take up a new hobby.
drones are crazy fast these days, and cheap to make, and there are SO many ways to build them now. they come with so mant different attachments, especially in the states. you could attach all kinds of crazy things to them. like nerf guns, and paintball guns and do all kinds of fun activities with lots of friends
also i hear the area around mar a lago is beautiful to vacation in, it would be great to get some birds eye view footage of that place. just for fun with a bunch of your friends
i hear also about how good drones are at stabalizing for long distance shots on video these days. you could fly them so high up you could barely see them or hear them from the ground.
some people even use them to drop small, or large packages from the air as well. just be careful they dont land on anyone important
that would be
50% mortality rate in humans.....? well, i think we should scramble for a cure asap. but not me personally, im not smart enough. omellete the scientists answer that one.... and who knows how long that will take?
but heck, if theres one thing i know for sure.....
.....this wont be over easy.....
sir, this is a comment section.
more like a selective worm hole that goes from one ear and out the other.
only if its profitable