it doesn't look anything like him? not that he looks much like anything himself but come on
not a currency, and only stable in the form of 197 Au
Aw yeah time for the Great Libertarian Schism
tracing going all in on left wing people aren't real they can't hurt you
be like me and read the critique of pure reason and pierre bourdieu's distinction, you'll be ready for anything forever
The ignorance about social science on display in that article is wild. He seems to think academia is pretty much a big think tank, which I suppose is in line with the extent of the rationalists' intellectual curiosity.
On the IQ tier list, I like the guy responding to the comment mentioning "the stats that you are citing here". Bro.
No, it's just praise from lesswrong counts as a slight.
it's magic. they're trying to do magic.
lmao, economists probably did deserve to catch this stray
Nooo you see unlike your counterexemple, the AI is generating the picture from scratch, moulding noise until it forms the same shapes and colours as the original picture, much like a painter would copy another painting by brushing paint onto a blank canvas which ... Oh, that's illegal too ... ? ... Oh.
Portraying America as an unstable and entitled mental patient I see
would you rather have a gram of gold or twenty hamburgers?