The human world comprises of nation-states.
California needs rich people to tax.
Human rights don't exist. It is an abstract concept, not a realistic one. "Rights" is a Western concept. Go to the rest of the world, and there is no such thing as rights. It is a cultural truth, not a objective truth.
Saudi society is kinship based. Laws or rights don't carry much importance. Males escort females and maids are unescorted females.
“It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.” ― Henry Kissinger
The temporary cease-fire only benefits Ukraine. As was seen with the Minsk agreement, NATO was using the time to build up Ukraine's army. Russians learned their lesson and don't value any temporary or even permanent cease-fire without a political settlement, considering they are winning on the battlefield.
It is just common sense.
US involvement with Ukraine is what is destroying Ukraine. John Mearsheimer predicted the US will get Ukraine wrecked in 2014 in a viral video that is on YouTube. The Russians don't care for Ukraine if they are neutral. The problem was a border dispute involving Crimea, and Sevastopol, which the Russians were diplomatic about. The hardliners don't care as long as they harm Russians. Russians warned Biden of NATO-fication of Ukraine and tried for a peace deal in the middle of the war. The hardliners don't want peace, they want war. Donald Trump has no interest in wars. He is a peacemonger. To him, the conflict is fair trade, not controlling the globe politically. Donald Trump's China policy is predicated on fair trade, while Joe Biden's China policy was based on national security, aka, US hegemony; suppressing rivals on the global stage.
I doubt they understand Mandarin.
He who bans, gets banned.
This article is contradictory. Inflation isn't gone. The Fed did not clear the inflation. Tariffs are a tax, not inflation. Do we call taxes inflation? An export economy is de facto not a "consumer" economy. Don't mistake a change in economic policy as market failure that needs to be addressed with a contradicting central bank policy.