If a certain particulary mean dragon were to fabricate any of these, i can see only n1 and maybe n4 being good. The others look like they would hurt getting out
of course, this is speculation as i know no malicious dragons
If a certain particulary mean dragon were to fabricate any of these, i can see only n1 and maybe n4 being good. The others look like they would hurt getting out
of course, this is speculation as i know no malicious dragons
I want to get hit by V1 high speed rail
Well to actually explain the game with no spoilers: its a rougelike game where you roam around a stage trying to open chests for items, then power up a teleporter to move to the next level, rinse and repeat till you are at the final boss (or you loop, restarting the run with the same items). The main draw of the game is the constantly rising difficulty: starting off as easy and finishing with "i can see you","im coming for you" and "HAHAHAHAHA", at which point you are basically fucked as enemies deal 2 times your health in damage and you can barely chip them,chests cost as much as bill gates worth and the screen is a clusterfuck of item effects. You have a wide variety of characters, such as:
and 2 dlc characters
I suggest buying the dlc if you can, it adds more items and, most importantly, GUP
finally, always remember to B U N G U S
I propose something else.
Line them up and get an epic machina quadruple kill
Risk of rain 2. Its really fun and addictive and ~~please its on the same tier ot addictiveness as factorio i have not seen the sunlight in 5 days~~
The door stuck! Fandom is diyng
say door stuck! If you are a genuine dicksucker
Interesting thank you
Where does this person live?
~~for research purposes~~
A lot of what setups (excuse my extreme ignorance)
Wendigoon mfmfmfuvidkrtjgj
Originally, it was used to describe those who defended the use of tanks to stop the Hungarian revolution 1956 (i think)
Now its used to describe those that align with Marxism-leninism (also i think)