Lol, holy shit. On point!
Ooooh. That makes sense.
For now, the sector’s focus has shifted back to domestic, Mandarin-language channels and platforms like Bilibili, WeChat, and Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.
Wait did I miss something? I thought TikTok was the chinese version of TikTok?
They are literally only talking about creating humans NOT on this world...
This is the answer.
Why do 2 people have to touch his leg at the same time and what's wrong with me that causes that panel to make me mad uncomfortable?
I did. XD. I did it on duckduckgo with safe search turned off and didn't even find anything. Was a little disappointed tbh. Apparently nobody wants to see porn of Trump. But rule 34 states that if it exists theres porn of it. So if there's no porn of Trump does that mean he's not even real? o.O
Its sad that your perfectly logical and objective comment got downvoted. Thanks for speaking truth that people dont want to hear.
Plot twist: 4th period was the teacher's prep period. The teacher burned themself while trying to work out how to keep students from burning themselves.
Go listen to Sentient a few more times while thinking about what you've done to those poor bugs and tell me again that Factorio doesn't make you feel anything.
It's not Jonathan Frakes' hometown. It's Riker's hometown.
no push to talk.