
joined 2 years ago
[–] 10 points 1 year ago

That’s a Dreams game, and as much as I love dreams, it’s really more suited to experiences than it is full fledged games. It does look great though.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fascism is capitalism in decay. Modern conservatism is still an offshoot of liberalism (as compared to old conservatives who were attempting to conserve monarchy). Liberalism is a capitalist ideology defined by promotion of individual rights, civil liberties, and most importantly free enterprise and markets. Fascism is capitalism in decay because those in power will use that power to maintain their rule, through whatever means necessary. For Trump, that was Jan 6th, which is a new low for US politics, but he’s not alone in manipulating the levers of power, and neither side seems keen on removing powers from themselves when they get in power.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks, it was tough, but very worthwhile. Hope the best for you also!

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My friend, more groups were killed than just Jewish peoples in the Holocaust. Are you advocating for a state for Roma people also? Where should we get that state to give to them? There is and has been no such thing as “open” land for centuries, since the completion of the partitioning of the world between imperialist states in the previous centuries. So, by advocating for state creation, you are inherently advocating for dispossession and expulsion of those who live in that area.

What about the indigenous Americans whom have suffered the worst known genocide in human history, should we pick a place in Europe and give them a country there by kicking out the historic residents of that region? Why is granting a people statehood your only perceived method of preventing violence?

How and where can you set up this mythical state without inherently requiring the kinds of oppressions and violence we see in Israel?

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Trump famously hated Netanyahu before 2020 also. He even said the quiet part out loud, that Netanyahu has no intention to resolve the situation whatsoever. He just also really loves Israel, so it’s kinda irrelevant.

[–] 24 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (11 children)

Ethnostates are inherently bad. You cannot have a state for a single ethnicity or religion and not have it descend into apartheid or worse. Zionism is inherently bad.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I quit in September! Congrats! Quitting smoking was way harder than quitting drinking for me, and I was a daily drunk functional alcoholic for years.

[–] 19 points 1 year ago

Voluntary suffering in order to bring about future positive ends is essentially integral to having a good life. That’s like saying to someone who just started exercising and is complaining about being sore, “if you’re feeling worse, is it really for the best?” Yes. It definitively is.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

There is a high from nicotine, it just goes away so quickly as you get addicted.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Guess I’m not buying it then. Microsoft really hates printing discs.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I haven’t scrolled all the comments yet, so apologies if this has already been mentioned, but Dragon’s Dogma passing a lot of those checks, if you can get over some minor jank. It’s definitely an action oriented adventure role playing game, where you can get quests to take out minor enemies, but also can have epic battles against dragons and giants.

A fun mechanic is clinging to and climbing larger enemies, you can for example jump up and grab the neck of a dragon and hold on while slashing at it. Or you can have your allies hold down an enemy so you can get a critical hit on it. The pawn system for allies allows you to customize and develop your allies to suit your needs and playstyle, and you can recruit other players pawns who come with their own memories and knowledges, but their voicelines can get a bit repetitive. Expect to hear “This enemy is weak to fire” a lot..

Overall it’s a unique and interesting game, worth checking out if you haven’t. Especially if you can get it on sale for cheap.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I didn’t even know podcast ads were a thing, you learn something new every day. Good luck! I hope you are able to find something, fuck ads!


Remember, the social Democrats sided with the Nazis over the socialists. They’ve done it every time they’ve been given the opportunity, and will continue to do so as many times as people fall for their shtick.

“The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house."
-Audre Lorde


I need to quit coming to this community today so I can quit posting, I’m running out of things to post!


Happy Sunday, or Monday, depending where in the world you are!


Hope all are alright. Anyone picked up any cool new hobbies lately? Anyone play harp? I’m thinking of picking it up, I already play quite a few instruments, but harp has the highest initial investment of any I’ve done so far.


Note: I believe there are genuine instances where medication helps. Coming from a family with a history of schizophrenia, I understand how hard it can be to survive without access to modern medications.

That said, I also believe that the Therapy Industrial Complex is myopically focused upon the individual, to the point where there’s often not even consideration of societal factors influencing our minds. It is not individual mental health leading to rising suicide rates, increases in mass shootings, and generalized depression. It is our society.

If you genuinely don’t feel regular feelings of climate anxiety that effects your ability to focus on the meaningless trash that is much of modern life, then it is you who need medication, not those who experience the entirely rational anxiety of knowing that life as we know it is very likely to come to a screeching halt, leaving us and our future generations infinitely worse off than the generations before them. It is sick to be healthy in a sick society. Instead of taking drugs to hide your emotions, use them to get angry enough to do something.

As long as people keep taking their soma and going to work, things won’t get better, they just won’t. Period.

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