Been playing this on PC. Really fun game and a good work out.
We watched Alien Romulus last night. Really enjoyable. Not quite as good as 1 and 2 but a whole lot better than all the Prometheus ones. The problem is once the aliens are into the public consciousness like they are now it's hard to keep them scary as what you imagine is always worse than what they show you. The movie does a decent job with body horror and cool situations though.
That game is soo good. Scary as hell I agree. I love the motion tracker, boop.... boop... Boop. Boop boop boop. Then suddenly there's an alien tail sticking out your chest. Great at building tension. I found it easiest to just crouch walk most of the time and to keep the alien in sight and stay behind it.
Aside from telling your parents you probably need to change your toilet habits and diet. You should spend less than a couple of minutes on the loo to open your bowels. Lots of water and a high fiber diet will help. Most people spend way too long straining on the toilet and that's how you get haemorrhoids. Don't be embarrassed though it's a really common problem your parents likely have them themselves or know people who struggle with them.
The x-ray staff do but most hospital staff don't.