Honestly I thought I was reading the onion here
joined 7 months ago
"BrInG bACk MAdE iN aMEriCA!"
Everything going according to plan, huh?
Need another Jimmy Bond
Oml I actually vaguely remember that episode, it was at Kenny's house
Was literally about to say, of only we had a way to make people immune without the risk of so much death...
Never thought I'd read 'measles party' in my life
Like wtf does that even mean? The article was like 2 sentences long
Finally, someone else who notices how ADORABLE tusky is!! 🤗
And Xbox power supplies
I think matrix or XMPP would be a more accurate one than signal
Wouldn't trust them to run a lemonade stand
I did not know that
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This legit fr made my day 🥲🇲🇽