
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 18 hours ago

Thank you. Fixed

[–] 6 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (2 children)

My tea brand of choice is Stash... mostly because they're semi-local but they also make great tea.

Most of our dairy comes from Tillamook.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Back in 2001 I slept with the radio on and was on the US west coast. So I literally woke up September 11th to live breaking news that life would never be the same.

I woke up just in time to turn on the TV and see the 2nd tower get hit.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (4 children)

That's the best poem about a 4-legged chicken that I've ever read.


While I am glad this ruling went this way, why'd she have diss Data to make it?

To support her vision of some future technology, Millett pointed to the Star Trek: The Next Generation character Data, a sentient android who memorably wrote a poem to his cat, which is jokingly mocked by other characters in a 1992 episode called "Schisms." posted the full poem, but here's a taste:

"Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature, / An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature; / Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses / Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations, / A singular development of cat communications / That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection / For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection."

Data "might be worse than ChatGPT at writing poetry," but his "intelligence is comparable to that of a human being," Millet wrote. If AI ever reached Data levels of intelligence, Millett suggested that copyright laws could shift to grant copyrights to AI-authored works. But that time is apparently not now.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

I've been procrastinating for weeks about setting up a dev environment to help contribute to the codebase, but I didn't procrastinate at all in preordering a Core-2. My Pebble Time might be the last piece of consumer tech that I was both excited for and a satisfied customer of.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

That article is light on details. Trying to push 1000kW into an 800V drive train (current state of the art) is going to generate a LOT of heat. Is BYD going to increase the drivetrain voltage in order to bring required amperage down (and heat gen with it)? A lot of car makers haven't even made it to 800 yet.

My car could charge in well under 15 minutes if any charger in my area could make it to the advertised 350kW. My high water mark so far (after 3 months) is 185kW. Usually its closer to 80.

[–] 54 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"If you prick me, do I not... leak?" has always been one my favorite Data lines.

[–] 56 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (5 children)

I said I'm sorry. But if you're going to let your T-Rex out at night you should at least put a reflective collar on it.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

You'll never make me break up with beans!

[–] 13 points 5 days ago

She's a real go-getter, that one.


Electricians are here and are working in the unfinished attic over my head. I keep imaging dust raining down, or worse. My cat has developed a 1000 yard stare probably picturing 180lb squirrels walking across our rafters.

We've also hit out first unexpected snag. Hopefully first and only.

Super nice guys though, I feel bad for how often they keep getting hurt in my imagination.


Here's the story if your day has been too full of good news and you need a palate cleanser.


I saved my fortune cookie for a snack, and it turns out this guy really like how they smell.


Alt Title: How to take over the world using abandoned S3 Buckets

Watchtowr has moved on from using expired domains to assume authority over entire TLDs and instead is using blind trust in S3 addresses to infiltrate governments and militaries across the world.

The TL;DR is that this time, we ended up discovering ~150 Amazon S3 buckets that had previously been used across commercial and open source software products, governments, and infrastructure deployment/update pipelines - and then abandoned.

As for the research itself, it panned out progressively, with S3 buckets registered as they were discovered. It went rather quickly from “Haha, we could put our logo on this website” to “Uhhh, .mil, we should probably speak to someone”.

These S3 buckets received more than 8 million HTTP requests over a 2 month period for all sorts of things -

  • Software updates,
  • Pre-compiled (unsigned!) Windows, Linux and macOS binaries,
  • Virtual machine images (?!),
  • JavaScript files...

Not as catchy as "swasticar," but I like it.


Good evening, Nick and fight fans throughout the Federation! Tonight, we bring you a battle of the virtual assistants—a clash of the quirky, the helpful, and the homicidal!

That's right Johnny. Badgey has a tip for Clippy, and it's at the end of a bat'leth.


I just stumbled on this new unofficial YT channel that's doing an episode by episode history lesson on MST3k, starting with the KTMA season. The main post link is the trailer and episode 1 on the Green Slime is also up.

According to the trailer she'll be each episode posting next Sunday AD, as is meant to be.


My high school friends and I used recite the Booze Council PSA at each other all the time. It's been running though my head since I saw the the Friday news dump. So I appreciated TV's Frank posting a link on BlueSky.

YT Link


My gift's wrapping paper knows that Santa can't get his work done without Tux.Fittingly, inside were 3 PiZeros.


The only Christmas Carol I look forward to. From an episode that originally aired in July (Touch of Satan).

Enjoy the great taste of wassail, in cans!


As Home Assistant continues to grow and evolve, so does our commitment to making it more inclusive, accessible, and aligned with the diverse needs of our community. To that end, we’re launching an annual survey—and we hope you’ll participate!

We could keep assuming our community’s wants and needs, but we’d rather base our decisions on data-driven insights 😉. With this survey, we aim to better understand not just how you use Home Assistant, but also who you are as a person, a smart home user, and a member of our community.

First and foremost, the survey is entirely anonymous, and you can skip any question you don’t want to answer. For sensitive questions (e.g., gender), we provide options like “prefer not to say” or open text fields.

Normally I wouldn't spread word of a survey, but considering Fenick has suggested the Home Assistant community use BlueSky over Mastodon, I thought it might be a good idea to reaffirm to them that the Fediverse has a voice. I also wrote in Lemmy in "Other" responses where applicable.

It's a fairly long survey; they estimate 20 minutes, I think it took me around 15 after skipping a few questions.

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