
joined 2 years ago

ah ok. fair enough i guess. but it kinda still sounds like its not something super valuable to watch if you are wanting a somewhat accurate account of the story

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

so if you dont have a seedbox and get thru registration and are downloading/seeding on vpn server A and server goes down, can you switch to vpn server B or that fucks everything up?

really wish torrent had a concept of identity using gpg or private keys so that all this pedantic ip address crap wasn't necessary. would probably have joined private trackers ages ago if it had something liek that

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

So basically just some studio making a cash grab then.

I'll pass

TBH, I don't even let myself play things made by nintendo anymore bc they piss me off so much after they killed a lot of the emulator projects. which is funny bc i used to actually BUY things they made, even if i also pirated them so that i could use on pc.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

yeah, that's what i've had to do. really wish they didnt require ip during interview or whatever. would be happy creating a protonmail account so they could verify im not spam but my ip is a no-go.

out of curiosity, do they ever use that ip again after the interview for tracking or account recovery or soemthing? like if i signed up from a coffee shop or bar or something while travelling, would it ever be required again to where i might be fucked if i needed same ip?

I usually keep a copy of the torrent in a folder just for those kind of torrents. then I make a copy in my qbittorent autoadd folder and tell qbit to not download anything except just the stuff i want before i start the torrent.

part of that is cuz i have my client set to auto-allocate space and don't want some 50+GB thing eating all of my hdd space for temp files i might not even be interested in.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

All the same, didn't seem to help Kim Dotcom or the many others that are operating pirate sites outside of America when American companies bitch about copyrights

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I had it running on fedora recently but it requires a) having sonarrr and b) having sonarr setup so that it adds downloads to your torrent client

i had (a) but i only use sonarr as sort of a backup tv-guide tracker (mostly use rss feeds in qbittorrent), largely bc sonarr doesn't really give you a lot of control for using it the way I want to (i like being able to rename/move downloads after they are done and sonarr no like that)

anyway, i never fully confirmed it (server ran, synced with my sonarr shows, but never actually queued any subs) but iirc, i just downloaded the *.tar.gz or whatever and extracted that to ~/Apps/Bazaar (just a custom path - can be anything; I just didn't want to dick around with /opt or needing to do stuff under root account to set it up) then created a desktop file to launch it. Sorry, going off memory since I deleted all my notes / bazaar install files after I realized it wouldn't do what I wanted.

haven't found an alternative yet but I was looking into maybe setting up whisper as a local ai and trying to get it to just generate subs for me. seems liek a lot of people do this but i'm an idiot and need to find an easy guide first

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I know I’m late to the parrrty here, but for dumm-dumms like me, anybody care to explain what the cause behind this was?

From what I can tell Real Debrid was based out of France… but what made them change their tune all of a sudden? Did the owners get threatened similar to what people think happened to the guy running rarbg?

Or did France just suddenly start enforcing copyrights or something? If so, then does that mean any other things non-debrid related that are based out of France are likely to run into issues too? Like, I know some open-source stuff also uses (or at least used?) France as a soemthing of a copyright-haven so that they could basically host patented media codecs etc in a separate repo (I think Fedora nd OpenSuse both have unofficial repos that do that). Wondering if that kinda thing would also be affected too or just the *debrid stuff?

I know I'm late to the parrrty here, but for dumm-dumms like me, anybody care to explain what the cause behind this was?

From what I can tell Real Debrid was based out of France... but what made them change their tune all of a sudden? Did the owners get threatened similar to what people think happened to the guy running rarbg?

Or did France just suddenly start enforcing copyrights or something? If so, then does that mean any other things non-debrid related that are based out of France are likely to run into issues too? Like, I know some open-source stuff also uses (used) France as a copyright-haven so that they could basically host patented media codecs in a separate repo (I think Fedora nd OpenSuse both have unofficial repos that do that). Wondering if that kinda thing would also be affected too or just the *debrid stuff?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (5 children)

last I checked Anonamouse was very anti-VPN (maybe its just a private tracker thing, not sure - I don't really use those). Which sucks bc I've heard really good things but I'm absolutely unwilling to compromise on the IP address, even just for registration. I've seen too many instances of places getting burned at some point years later and having all this info on users and while I hope that never happens to them, not willing to risk it myself.

For anyone else similarly inclined to never expose their real IP address for even a picosecond, there are some other options too like audiobookbay (daht) lu for audiobooks / irc highway for epubs/mobi (e.g. using hexchat which is FOSS). There's also sanet (daht) st/blogs/audiobb/ (formerly audiobb (daht) com) which doesn't have as much selection but might be good for people looking for litrpgs and other niche things that they can ddl via RG links.

thanks for this, that's some good info 😀


TL-DR; for stuff that is NOT from sonarrr/radrr (e.g. downloaded long time ago / gotten from friends, RSS feeds, whatever), is there a better way to find subs than downloading everything from manual DDL sites and trying everything until one works (matching english text and correctly synced)?

I am not currently using bazarr and I understand that it can catch anything from sonarr that is missing subs but that is not the use-case I need. I am still open to it but since most of the new stuff I get already has subs, I'm looking more at my stuff that is NOT coming from sonarr bc that's where I have the most missing subs. thinking since there github say:

Be aware that Bazarr doesn't scan disk to detect series and movies: It only takes care of the series and movies that are indexed in Sonarr and Radarr."

that most of my use-case is going to be manual searches. It also sounds like Bazarr uses same kind of DDL sites like opensubtitles and subscene that I am already using as its backend / source so curious if there is any advantage vs looking up old stuff on the sites directly.

And especially if there is some way to match existing files with the correct subs, even if the file/folder names no longer contain the release group (e.g. via duration or other mediainfo data or maybe even via checksums). I know vlc can do it for a single file.. but since I have a LOT of stuff w missing subs, I'm looking for a way that I can do something similar from a bash script or some other bulk job without getting a bunch of unsynced subs.

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