It's not weed, it's that mint is very aggressive in spreading.
I personally like the mint growing in the yard it makes mowing the lawn smell great.
It's not weed, it's that mint is very aggressive in spreading.
I personally like the mint growing in the yard it makes mowing the lawn smell great.
Can confirm. It's the only game I play at this point.
Finally got to Fulgora. I want that mech suit.
Depriving someone of years of their life isn't a trivial thing. If someone was wrongfully convicted of a crime, the time they spend in jail is time that they could have been spending making a career, saving for retirement, building equity, etc. The things people do to prepare for retirement.
Should we just say "oops, our bad, no hard feelings right?" and just leave them to be homeless?
Exactly. He's just looking for a place to stake his little fiefdom where he can circle jerk about how bad Linux is, no matter how incorrect he might be. There's no implying that Dear Leader is wrong, just stroke or get banned.
Hinges are unique to the device. The screw placements and clearances differ from model to model, so you have to match the model number of your laptop and visually compare the part you're ordering to what you have on hand before ordering anything.
It was an unpopular shitpost community.
As a Linux user, I can enjoy memes about real problems with Linux, but his posting went beyond memes and straight into hate boner territory. He once said something about how open source is bad because a company charging money for services creates jobs.
Anything other than circle jerking about 'Linux bad Windows good' got you banned.
It's basically just an end you attach to the fiber:
You'll use a cleaver to break the fiber at a 90 degree angle to reduce attenuation, and slide it into the connector. Once it bottoms out, you press something down and it grabs the fiber, holding it in place.
I know it's Youtube, but here's a video of the process:
The idea is you would pull a fiber cable through a building and terminate it with ends like these. Then install them into a bulkhead to make them similar to solid-core CAT5/5e/6 cable into a patch panel. You can then use premade jumpers to connect from the building wiring to the devices you're using.
The fusion machines are generally used for long distance links because of the significantly lower attenuation per splice. A fiber line that goes 40 miles is likely to have tens if not hundreds of splices in it depending on the number of spans of cable, and industry standard for fusion splices is 0.00-0.05 db attenuation per fusion splice.
You don't need to fuse every fiber connection unless you're doing really long distance fiber.
For runs inside a building, single pulls with mechanical splices would work just fine. You shouldn't get much loss as long as there aren't more than two or so mechanical splices.
Source: worked as a technician for a fiber optic ISP.
Plus, there's all the cool stuff Valve has been doing for Linux gaming. All the effort into Proton, the steam deck, etc.
At this point, I'm sticking with Steam to reward them for investing in Linux.
Biden never had enough control of the whole government to get those things done without Republican buy-in.
A Republican controlled house won't send a bill like that to the Senate. A Republican controlled Senate won't send it to the President.
You can be upset at Biden, but we've rarely ever given a Democratic president a Democratic Congress to help him get anything done.
It's generally better to use more than you need than it is to use too little. Unless you're buying specialty thermal paste, it will be nonconductive so any paste running off the sides won't hurt anything.
Using different patterns can trap air, which will reduce thermal conductivity.
Way to make me feel old.
I never had to do that to my N64 cartridges. That was the meme for the NES.
And even then, blowing on it didn't really help. It was the ejecting and reinserting of the cartridge that fixed the issue because the slot on the NES was janky.