People really out here making everything an ADHD symptom. It’s okay and normal to be excited
This game is extremely fun with friends and I highly recommend it. It’s $10 and a fucking steal at that price
The old fuckers don’t care because they have a foot in the grave. I’m tired of these septuagenarians man I fucking hate how they sell out those younger than them because they genuinely don’t fucking care
These people are some of the shittiest people in the US. It boggles my mind attacking people who do NOTHING to them except exist
Let the brain drain begin
Wasn’t this actually patented?
It’s sad. I think the EU is an extremely valuable partner as a whole and to think we just would abandon them. The US is Russia 2.0 and it hurts to see
I don’t see how he would reasonably be able to accomplish that tbh
Wow, I watched the valve documentary when it came out and his insights and methodology were really cool. What a tragedy
What is his fucking deal? Aren’t millions of people in the US on SSRIs alone? He would need thousands of concentration camps to do what he is wanting
I really don’t run into this enough to make it feel like a trend. Maybe I’m just not going out to random places enough idk
So we really are just going straight for WWII Hitlers Germany huh?