Isn't that what happened to the schools during COVID or something with one of the programs. I forget....
Giving me something to do with my current kindle. I wasn't sure how to load to it my downloaded books, so I've been suffering on my phone, but hopefully this helps me out a bunch. Thanks. This is a rabbit hole I never knew existed.
It is above most publicly accepted ratios. This is the one that works best with the water and process I use. I used to do like 21 to 360 or something, but this works out nice.
Made it as espresso. It definitely has a lot of crema. I'm still getting it dialed in. Tastes good, but I didn't think my palette is refined enough to say it taste different from other medium roasts. With that said, I didn't think I'll be getting another bag.
Yeah, I'm going to espresso brew it tomorrow. I wasn't thinking of an Americano, just a straight shot. I have that ninja machine that's all the rage right now. It does the job. Will see.
I also noticed that the beans are shiny.
Still have my CD copy, but wonder if I can download the patches still... Maybe time to dust it off, just to find it has suffered rot... 😭
I qualify a good sequel as a movie that can be enjoyed without having to watch the previous. Not that the previous isn't important, just not required.
Terminator 2 clearly fits into this category. As do a lot of sequels. Here is my short list:
- Terminator 2
- The Dark Knight
- Finding Dory
- Toy Story 2
- Spider Man 2 (Toby Maguire)
Do Casino Royal or Rogue One count for anyone?
You don't have the fear of the Alien and the tension from Ripley without the first movie.. in my view, but yes it is a totally didn't feeling movie otherwise.
Bottles was having the same issue. I was attempting to install SimTower off the CD copy I have and they all were having issues running. I believe it's a permissions issue that I could figure out, but not sure. After spending hours i went down the distro route and it worked perfectly the first time. Was able to run the installation for the game and launch it from wine.
I got them on Amazon, the only place I could find them as well. However, I didn't search as hard as you I think.
What Linux distro are you using? I'm on Aurora and wine doesn't really work unless you install it from the distrobox.
Yes, there are a lot of decaf roasting options, but only a few ways to process the beans. Did you watch the tasting event that just took place ? I think they did decaf this year.