
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

As long as you know what you're installing, not bad.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 2 weeks ago

F to a rare theater quality rip releaser.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Some players might have vulnerabilities that people exploit; but honestly it's very rare, especially with most people auto updating their programs.

Most of the time it is indeed "download spider man no virus no survey 2023 free download.exe"

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

This comment is spot on, yet the downvote hive goes on...

It would be entirely another thing if he still did ironic racist jokes after that; but he apologised multiple times and haven't done anything remotely similar to their past actions; which for me speaks the loudest about it. He moved on, y'all should too.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

In my opinion AI should cover the worst content; ones that harm people just by looking at it. Anything up to debate is a big no; however there exists many content where even seeing the content can be disturbing to anyone seeing it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

MaximillianMus. While he is a troll who makes content revolving around being toxic; he definetly didn't deserve all the hate and pedophile accusations. Even now a lot of people mistakenly believe he is one.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 month ago (5 children)

No, nazi movement heavily revolves around following Hitler's actions. What this person suggests is a shortcut for nazis.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

man, the audio logs in Watch Dogs were a genius idea; it gives much more insight to the characters you see in the game in a natural way.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 month ago

Oh wow, this post reminded me to renew some domains I use.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Depends a lot on where you reside.

In where I live; no one cares for personal piracy. There have been local tracker owners busted; but the law enforcement did not go after each member individually; even though they could've according to law.

Legal ramifications? Highly unlikely; unless you're explaining how to break copy prevention methods. That's considered illegal in a lot of countries afaik.

As for lines you should not cross; I see ethics as more of a concern than anything. If you're trying to learn how to use some software feel free to pirate it; but if you go into the level where you make a significant income out of it; you really should pay for it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's a really low offer; the company easily at the very least has three times that valuation.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Timezone: +3 UTC

I'm familiar with piracy terms; and can remove spam posts i see.


Merkez Bankası (TCMB) bugün gerçekleştirdiği yılın son toplantısında yüzde 50 olan politikası faizini 250 baz puan indirdi. Böylece banka 22 ay sonra ilk kez faiz indirimine gitmiş oldu.


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Turkey’s soaring inflation, which reached 47% in November, is forcing millions of children into poverty, with many dropping out of school to support their families.

About 7 million Turkish children, or one-third of the population under 18, live in poverty, with families like the Sahins in Istanbul relying on children to scavenge or sell goods to make ends meet.

Rising living costs and inadequate welfare support have deepened child labor and deprivation, creating a “lost generation” trapped in cycles of poverty.

Activists warn of lifelong disadvantages without systemic intervention.


Balıkesir'in Karesi ilçesinde patlayıcı üretilen fabrikada meydana gelen patlamada 12 kişinin öldüğünü 5 kişinin de yaralandığını açıklandı. Vali Ustaoğlu ise, patlamada kapsül üretimi yapılan binanın çöktüğünü söyledi.


Kırklareli'nin Lüleburgaz ilçesinde faaliyetini sürdüren 68 yıllık tekstil devi ekonomik sebeplerle kapandığını duyurdu.


Ankara'da düzenlenen 'Halk İçin Bütçe, Demokratik Türkiye' eylemine polis müdahale etti. Emeklilerin basın açıklamasına da izin verilmedi.


Terör örgütü PKK’nın Kandil’deki lider kadrolarından olan ve 32 yıldan beri dağ kadrosunda faaliyet yürüten Nesrin Amed kod adlı Yayla Kızılkaya Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatının Suriye’de düzenlediği nokta operasyonla öldürüldü. Kadın terörist çok sayıda kanlı saldırıların da emir ve talimatlarını vermekten aranıyordu.


CHP Ankara Milletvekili Deniz Demir, madeni para basımında kullanılan madenlerin maliyetinin yükselmesiyle 1 TL'nin maliyetinin 3 liraya ulaştığını aktardı. Demir, “Artan döviz, metal paralarda kullanılan alaşımlara da yansıdı. 1 TL’nin maliyeti 3 TL’yi geçti” dedi.


İzmir'de sokakta yaşayan bedensel engelli Adnan Kale (58), ölü bulundu. Kale'nin ölmeden 1 gün önce kendisini cep telefonu ile kaydeden kişiye 'Engelliyim, gidecek yerim yok' dediği öğrenildi. Sosyal medyada büyük yankı uyandıran görüntü sonrası valilikten açıklama geldi.

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