I actually find it very nice to get notifications about my toaster oven being preheated or done cooking, or being able to see how much time is left or remotely stop it.
What does the dismiss button do? Or the back button.
Just based on the messages (that could be miss leading) sounds like some features will not work.
Technically the legal stream tell you.
Regardless of who you are locked in a room with no one should feel safe if they are locked in a room. Being captured isn't safe feeling at all. Although I would feel safer with those three by my side then alone.
What about city dirt. That seems like another level then floor dirt.
Maybe they have some scientists/wizards who tested this and took some notes?
My guess is there is some magic involved, but that is pure speculation on my part. Could just be temperature.
Oh that is a very interesting. I would think 100 million degrees celsius would be hotter then your average dragon.
Yeah but I am talking about nuking the ring itself. Like you mentioned Sauron is tied to the ring, and destroying the ring will kill him. Would a nuke take out the ring?
If you drain the UPS past 50% it really kills the life of the batteries.
In the Enterprise you probably have generator backup. So the UPS only need to keep things running for 30 second to a minute. So that never happens.
Could the Ring survive a nuclear blast?
I am guessing yes.
Are green onions indestructible? I planted some in my garden and those darn things never die. It even survived the winter and grew again the following year.