French here.
The older version (kinda out of fashion) is "Quoi de neuf?" literally "What's new?".
Today we would say "Ça dit quoi ?" which is literally "What you saying?" I guess. But as you may have guessed it's kinda of a street/not so polite way of phrasing it.
I personally use "Ça va ?" at work which is "Are you OK today?" literally, not to be confused with "Are you OK?!" which is the English way of checking that someone is not hurt I guess, though it can be used in the same way "Ça va ?!" to check on someone hurt is fine.
Finally it would be "Comment allez-vous ?" for the polite equivalent, like for a stranger or an official.
On explose d'abord ! Et on parle... après ! — Ziggs, League of Legends, French Voice