
joined 2 years ago
[–] 0 points 4 months ago (8 children)

If the DNC wanted immigrants to vote for Harris, they should not have messaged that they will build the wall and prosecute immigrants. Instead, they courted racists who obviously decided to vote for Trump promising Hitler style mass deportations.

If the DNC wanted the peace lovers to vote for Harris, they should not have advertised accepting the Cheneys. Instead, they welcomed the architect of the War on Terror with open arms while Trump lied about being a peaceful dove who never caused any wars.

If the DNC wanted the disaffected youth to vote for Harris, they should have promised change. Instead, they promised that nothing will change, that the economy is doing great right now, actually, while Trump represents a sledgehammer to our society. A horrible change that will affect everyone negatively, but he just lied about the negative bit.

If the DNC wanted progressives to vote for Harris, they should have adopted progressive policies. Instead, they aggressively courted "Moderate Republicans" with stuff like promising to put more Republicans in the Harris Cabinet. The people who want more Republicans in positions of power are obviously just going to vote for Republican administration.

The DNC threw away every advantage they had. Their messaging was, "We're only a little bit better than the Conservatives" and people believed them. The informed voter obviously knows that Trump is 1000x worse than Harris, but most people aren't well-informed. The DNC failed to understand that and failed to inform the voter base, instead relying on the psychopathic message of, "It votes for the Harris or it gets the Trump again".

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Naww, people don't like Hitler shit. The average Trump voter has been tricked into supporting stuff like "mass deportation", but once you ask 'em about specifics, they are not on board.

The problem is that the DNC didn't call any of this stuff out. The Democrats should have constantly asked, "How are you gonna do mass deportations of 20 million immigrants? Are you gonna kidnap people from their homes? You gonna put them in concentration camps at the border? Tattoo numbers for easy organization?"

The DNC failed in their messaging of calling out the Hitler shit, instead choosing to adopt the Hitler shit. "We're gonna build the wall to keep bad immigrants out. We're gonna deport the bad immigrants who are here. We won't build camps though, only because that would be economically unfeasible."

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (2 children)

The Stay At Home Party is humongous every election. They represent a giant source of potential that the DNC keeps ignoring in favor of trying to sway some Conservatives. The DNC is picking at crumbs when almost half the cake is sitting on the table.

[–] 37 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I agree that people are stupid for not understanding how terrible Trump was and will be. However, I think a big problem was that the DNC didn't provide an attractive alternative to excite these dummies.

There was very obviously support for Harris early on when the DNC made some progressive decisions. Getting rid of Biden was a progressive choice. Choosing Tim Walz was a progressive choice. The DNC was immediately rewarded for these progressive choices with $1 billion in small donor donations.

The DNC got arrogant and decided to aggressively move in a conservative direction. Harris started talking about how she would build the wall and prosecute immigrants. The DNC welcomed the Cheneys with open arms. Harris told interviewers that she would be more conservative than Biden by accepting more Republicans in her Cabinet.

The DNC actively threw away their progressive supporters and gained absolutely nothing in return because the voters they were courting would never have voted for Harris anyway. Racists gonna vote Trump. Moderate conservatives gonna secretly vote Trump. People who want Republicans in a Presidential Cabinet are obviously gonna vote Trump.

If the DNC just focused on stuff like being pro choice or going into detail about fighting price gouging, that would have been much more successful than trying to attract the mythical "Moderate Conservative".

[–] 41 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (31 children)

The DNC has fumbled the bag to an epic degree. You are right that this should have been a slam dunk, easy win for the DNC. Unfortunately, the DNC also thought this race was easily won, so they just stopped trying.

The DNC made overtures toward conservative voters. "We're gonna build the wall" or "we're welcoming the Cheney's into our coalition". They needed to run on hope and change to activate low propensity voters. Instead, they ran on harm reduction without offering to change things for the better. The message was, "Trump is 100% Hitler, vote for us because we're only 90% Hitler".

The least the DNC could have done was lie about doing nice things.

[–] 30 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Immigrants used to be on top rail, but after four years, they have been placed on both rails, just like the Palestinians. There is no guarantee that the groups placed on the top rail will not be shifted to the bottom rail as well in four years.

Voting for Democrats is always advertised as the lesser of two evils, but it sure seems like the lesser evil is just trying to kill the same groups the greater evil. If they want people to vote for them, the Democrats should start working to save and prevent people from being tied to trolley tracks.

Or at least lie about it.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Charter schools and public funding for private education started to be pushed heavily. And then Columbine happened, which made education a very public issue, so more money started getting shoveled at public ed.

[–] 40 points 1 year ago (3 children)