Are the two DLCs not included and integrated into Mankind Divided?
First one is: after spending a few months as a pre-order exclusive it was added in a free update.
Human Revolution's DLC was also my favorite part of the game, although I felt that it hurt the pacing of the original game's story. That said, it did set up plot points for Mankind Divided (and its missing second half / last third). Still hurting over the incomplete story...
Bioshock: Agreed. I think you'll like it, then
Yakuza: I heard the same about Kiwami 1 and 2 having some extra content... although I really don't remember what it is so that probably says how tiny/unimportant that extra content is lol.
As for the frankly mediocre Yakuza 3 and ok 4-5:
While Yakuza 3 is rough, it becomes a cakewalk once you learn how the AI works. It also has a nice change of scenery. 4 and 5's stories are bloated, but you could always rush through them. Those last two games have combat almost as good as 0 and have some fun minigames.
This is probably a stretch, but could it be "The Who - Who are You"?