How would one go about this?
Kanna is too cute. I especially love the scene in the show where she's singing "Ame ame ame" in the rain. ☺️
This is fantastic. I’ve no use for this software, but I would absolutely purchase it if I did.
Shimarin is best girl. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Not to mention keeping game saves in sync. I’m experimenting with syncthing for my pirated games, but I have to admit that just getting the Steam version sounds much more sensible now that I’ve my Steam deck.
If it is I can't see it (on Kbin at least). It's still fully visible here.
You could at least tag this as NSFW…
Darn. It looks like the reward is some kind of Super Sentai armour. That's pretty lame for a Moonfire Faire reward. I wanted more bikinis for my cat. :(
I'm not sure. I remember I was waiting for it to go on sale when I needed it, and it happened pretty quickly. But I don't know if it happens at any set intervals.
I love that companies complain about piracy, but then are the main reason why we commit piracy...
I feel like it is, but, be on the lookout for a sale and get the lifetime option when there's a sale.