Cobrachicken again out of the game :-(
Nice nick ;-)
People here, at least for the last 50+ years, used to have a quite comfortable, safe lifestyle, with various state institutions taking care of shit. If anything (and may it only be a small thing) is taken away from them, or goes wrong, or cannot be sustained anymore, they start to complain that everything is breaking down.
In short: Entitlement and a tendency to nag and take everything for granted, plus inflexibility and unwillingness to change/think out of the box.
Personal humble opinion of a German.
Some 2nd gen Intel Acer Aspire (?) SFF with an older gen NVIDIA card. Last Windows machine in the household due to WAF.
Looks waaaay better than before, congats! Do you just let the containers overflow in heavy rain?
I read "put a couple of fingers of undead..." and didn't even wonder...
I wouldn't totally subscribe to that, having worked with Chinese allowed to travel. There's acceptance to the rules active incountry, but very much subversive energy and sarcasm/cynicism abroad, and willingness to break the rules. If one manages to get them to open up a bit. I've worked with tech folks only, though.
"...with exposed management interfaces on the public internet."
Yes. These are great machines. Please know, though, that p.e. the camera does inexplicably not work in LAN only mode (i.e. when not connected to the bambu cloud service), and that the AMS lite cannot fit every filament spool in the world due to its construction. First can be remedied with a separate webcam in your LAN, second with printed adaptors, alternative spools or just some squishy material (if the spool's too big). I found that spools from dasfilament and recent ones from sunlu fit ok.
This was what most annoyed me on my Ender 3. Now with a bambu A1 its fire-and-forget. And no failed prints yet, with daily use.
A real army helmet.
Red's only there in this constellation, when the sunlight goes throug earth's atmosphere.