Funny. I hold a similar opinion about criminal Israeli’s.
Bought a 2015 mustang and had to upgrade the Sync2 to Sync3 for about $1300. That’s when CarPlay was capable with Sync3. Made the car a thousand times better.
Are you sure about that? Are you really? Because I’ve noticed a lot of CIS gendered Europeans at most of the high end engineering jobs I work at.
It just shows that this admin and its followers don’t actually believe in freedom of speech. It’s a waste of money to police thought. No matter what he says. As long as he doesn’t condone murder. He should be free to express himself.
Super jelly. That all sounds life changing.
Where have you been traveling to? I was thinking euro rail pass and travel Europe.
I just picked up my first passport in my entire life. I’m trying to get away from this hell hole.
I would rather mine Kentucky coal instead of Anthracite coal from my region in Pennsylvania. Anthracite mines are an entirely different way of mining. There’s a documentary I’ll look for on YouTube where the mine operator kills hi self after his cousin and nephews die in a collapse.
After the most recent flu or cold I had. I would do anything for a cold vaccine. Flu shot likely kept me safe from that last bug I had. But still would like a cold vaccine to.