Exactly what I came to the comments to find out. Thank you random stranger
The potential value to the Americans of Japanese-provided data, encompassing human research subjects, delivery system theories, and successful field trials, was immense. However, historian Sheldon H. Harris concluded that the Japanese data failed to meet American standards, suggesting instead that the findings from the unit were of minor importance at best. Harris characterized the research results from the Japanese camp as disappointing, concurring with the assessment of Murray Sanders, who characterized the experiments as "crude" and "ineffective."
To back up your point that the research gained by unit 731 was useless.
Something I have learned while playing old games is old graphics is nothing compared to just how games were designed back in the day.
I have an account on dbzero as well.
Personally, I'm happy not being federated with them.
Unfortunately tankie as a word has lost its original meaning. Tankies themselves have worked to dilute its usage, but also liberals have picked up the word and use it indiscriminately against any radical leftists. It was a term specifically for authoritarian "leftists," originally being used to insult and criticize those that supported the USSR's use of tanks against the Hungarian Revolution and China with Tiananmen Square. I myself am an anarchist with a hate for MLs. I used to use tankie a lot, but after moving to Lemmy I realized it was not used the same way as I used it. I myself was getting called a tankie, and anarchists are obviously anything but authoritarian. I think the dilution of the word is a big reason why anti-"tankie" commentary is so prevalent. Most people don't realize they are using it wrong, and so it takes away any meaning when people are using it correctly. Can't take the serious stuff seriously cause its like the boy who cried wolf. I moved on to using the term "red-fash" to avoid the confusion. Plus I blocked Lemmy.ml, so that limits how much red-fash bs I have to put up with. But it definitely isn't perfect, it doesn't block users just the communities. But that does significantly cut back the amount of red-fash bs I have to see.
Kropotkin used Europe constructing its international railways as an example in Mutual Aid. Basically one party sends a delegate with a proposal, the second party either accepts it or revises it and sends it back. And back and forth until a consensus is reached. I want to emphasize before someone says "that wouldn't work." Thats how it works now, except the organizations rn are hierarchical and profit-driven, while we want them horizontally organized and need-driven.
Community defense. It's everyone's responsibility to defend each other, not some centralized police force or military. Plus as others stated, societal change so people are less susceptible to that sort of "charm." Most of the time people fall for warlords, crime bosses, etc cause they prey on those without. When you live in poverty, becoming a rank and file goon for a warlord doesn't sound so bad. But if we built the economy to meet needs rather than profit, and society to give people freedom rather than hierarchy, people would be a lot harder to sway. What really could a warlord give people that they wouldn't have already in an anarchist society? Money? What good would that do in a society that doesn't use it. Power? Well the warlord has all the power, and an anarchist society already gives you full autonomy over yourself. The only thing they could offer is power over others, but in return you give up all your power over yourself to the warlord. Might be able to sway some people with that, but I don't think it would be enough to become a serious threat. And like someone else said, our existing society can't even defend against it. I'd say if this is really what is your make or break for anarchism, then I think you should reevaluate your priorities. You likely can't make a perfect society, so we should be picking the one that meets our needs most. My needs are food, healthcare, housing, and freedom. Anarchism meets those needs better than our current society, and better than any other type of society currently or in the past.
The Char B1 (and its upgrades, the B1 bis and the B1 ter) is my favorite tank of all time and I love the story of the Eure (Billotte's tank)
Outdated military doctrine, low numbers, being a resource hog, as well as it being a one man turret and usually no radio made it not great. But it had decent cannons (for the time), and stupid good armor (for the time). Its a mixed bag. WoT definitely does it dirty (especially because it won't let you use both cannons), Warthunder does a much better job representing it. The Char B1 ter was and upgrade of the B1 bis but it never saw combat (they were getting evacuated to the UK but the ship they were on sunk off the coast of France).
Edit: Overall a good tank for the time, but would have become very outdated very quickly if it continued service later into the war. There's a lot of reasons why the Germans didn't really use them in combat when they captured them
I just have really bad memory from a combo of ADHD and weed. Remembering where in the GUI to fix something is a lot easier than remembering commands. Especially when if I fuck up said command I could make the problem worse or make a whole new problem. GUI gives me visual landmarks that stick in my memory, and thats something the terminal doesn't. Like navigating a city via landmarks vs via street signs. Tell me directions via streets I am lost, but tell me to go left after the walgreens on the river and now I know.