If I wake up at 1AM and it's daylight because my neighbor paid 1bn for some mirror time I'm becoming a terrorist
AND MY SAMPLES. I'm going back for that shit
Me: starting a Wheel of Time game from an out of print book based on 3.5e (mostly
My players: "can I roll perception?"
Me "you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Right? If I were a disabled adventurer I'd be driving a tank.
Dear Tech CEOs
I do not want to see an advertisement. Ever.
I will pay a reasonable amount of money to NOT see fucking advertisements.
Stop trying to commodify my attention. I have the attention span of a meth'd up squirrel. It's not worth all that much.
I'd rather buy a worse TV than put up with your 'Free' ad spewing garbage.
Dear Google.
YouTube Music is shit. Stop trying to combine your other services into YouTube music.
Google Play Music was good. Google Podcasts was... not awful
YouTube Music is the worst of both services.
Just stop
A Timber Jack - used to rotate large logs