Mark Lawrence - Prince of Thorns. Loose fit but it scratches that itch for me anyway. Maybe it will for you too.
I had severe headaches for years before a doctor that I trusted talked me into getting help from a local chiropractor with a good reputation. I've since learned a lot and would recommend a massage therapist or PT over a random chiropractor. Even then was skeptical. But this chiropractor was able to demonstrate exactly where in my neck the pain behind my eyes was coming from, provide me with some immediate relief, and help me with a path to long-term recovery. Biggest takeaway: posture is critical. Good posture is uncomfortable and tiring at first. You'll get better at it and your muscles will adapt. It's well worth the sacrifice. Wish I'd learned twenty years ago but better late than never.
It's not you. There are many things you simply cannot do in the settings app.
Omg this was basically my experience too. I was so mad when I broke out notepad to show my friends how awesome I was and they were like dude
In that case, the grammies are just a private back-patting club, nominations and winners are meaningless anyway and Minaj is a talentless lip syncing influencer. All of which is maybe a little bit true!
It's pretty cool for an artist to be nominated for a grammy. I don't know anything about this artist other than recognizing her name, but it's legit to list those nominations in your credentials. It's a real accomplishment.
It's an immediate response to cold hands. Even handling refrigerated chicken, not just frozen stuff.
My hands and feet are nearly always cold. Maui, sunny day sitting on the beach, cold feet. My hands never look quite as radical as yours, but the dermatologist says it's Raynaud. When I have to handle frozen food or whatever it literally hurts in my chest. Kind of a lot. Do you get that too? ... Weird how I sometimes forget to ask the internet about this stuff but I just googled and apparently chest pain isn't uncommon.
HDR makes stuff look really awesome. It's super good for real.
You don't crank up the clock speed for massively parallel workloads like rendering in blender. Higher clock speed is for single threaded workloads that need to go faster.
I can definitely Avalonia for cross platform UI. It's amazing.
Well I hadn't thought about it that way but now that you mention it, it explains a lot...