I switched to a Henson about a year ago and the only time I've cut myself is when I've used a dull blade. I switch it out every 4th shave or so, but the blades are pennies each. 100 for $15 for the Astras. I used to cut myself way more with other cartridge razors.
You have to keep in mind that the tech at the time was pretty revolutionary, but dated now. The e-ink display was legible in the brightest daylight and it had a battery life of 7-10 days depending on the model. I liked the minimalist styling of it, and hope they continue with a future model.
I've always been curious to know how it would have evolved if it hadn't been killed off. A newer version would hopefully take advantage of color e-ink displays and have some of the features current smart watches have. But honestly, they could make the Pebble Steel again with updated parts and I'd buy it in a second.
Cut out my mother a few years ago and I'm doing pretty great. No more anxiety at family gatherings or random guilt tripping phone calls. It's amazing the behavior you recognize when you're no longer subject to it.
She was/is very manipulative and I'm hoping that my siblings eventually figure it out too. Two of them are firmly on her side while the other 2 remain neutral. I've explained to them my situation and they're all old enough to do with that information as they will.
There's no chance for reconciliation and I'm ok with that. This is the most I've been at peace in my life, so no regrets.
All of a sudden the coward has a voice again? Crawl back into the hole you've been hiding in since Trump got sworn in.