clap clap clap
Me remembering when this meme has already been reposted like 4 times
She awoken things in me as a young adult
Currently doing spreadsheets for work listening to disillusion in a discordant system by acrania
I always say “for fucks sake” but now im realizing makes its “for fuck’s sake”? Not sure who fuck is though.
Vaping can give you popcorn lung. Its just not as common as everyone says.
I watched that video, they def coulda smashed a lot better. Lets be real.
Fuck off
Dude the mini halloween ones are dangerous because kids never take them and i can eat 3 in one mouthful.
I love that screech owls usually look mildly annoyed
New England is the name of the region in the Northeastern United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. No New York.
Imagine coming into a shitpost thread with this attitude.