Because you are making the tired old authoritarian argument that democracy is slow, and therefore it’s better to create hierarchical organisations with some benevolent dictators. And I believe that power always corrupts so it’s not a good solution. You believe some different so we will never agree.
You don’t have to have everybody worry about owner duty. Cooperatives doesn’t have to be tiny organisations. You can have full time employees and so on:
Why would it have to be cheaper? I’m not going to make a list. It’s a normal form of organisation in my country. For example my whole apartment complex is owned by the people who live there. We vote on what we want to pay in rent and how we want to spent the money.
And the same can be done with data coops. Here is one:
There are others, with other values.
He is a scholar with a phd in history and religion. The point is that are in a time where we need to reconnect with nature. A bit like we are trying to do with solar punk. And you can’t do that with Christianity. You could even argue that the Abrahamic religions are an indirect cause of the climate crisis, because it makes human the most important species with the right to rule over nature.
A lot of native people have an animist religion with a deep connection to nature and the western world need to rediscover that. At least that’s what a lot of modern animist believe. I think it’s worth exploring.
This specific guy does a lot of work to explore animism and think that it’s a way for us to reconnect to nature. He is danish so his approach is through Scandinavian animism. It doesn’t have to be correct, because animism is not a dogmatic religion, it’s alive and traditions evolve over time. Of cause he does take a lot of inspiration from traditional Nordic mythology and religion and we do know a decent amount, because we have texts and runes. And he advocate that it’s a way to deal with climate crisis. I suggest you read Evergreen Ash - Ecology and Catastrophe in Old Norse Myth and Literature, if you find it interesting.
No, it is supposed to be a weapon in the class war..
Aren’t all the models released from big tech. Even the small toy models you can host yourself, are just spinoff of the bigger models? LLMs seems to be a very wasteful technology.