So in short, ehatever you use, you still can use arrows and enter, also alt and function keys...
Soooo choice doesn't matter, screen keyboards exist.
So in short, ehatever you use, you still can use arrows and enter, also alt and function keys...
Soooo choice doesn't matter, screen keyboards exist.
Fired? Sued for hurting Musky feelings.
...soooounds a lot like some religions. A lot.
Being "adult" means being dead inside and instead always adhering to what other people want or expect from you. Screw that, live young as long as you wanna, frolick in grass, do sports, jump puddles. Nobody has the right to judge you, especially as an adult. After all, it's you who deals with the mess you create.
Sad day to see someone patriotic admit that. For better or worse, damn that had to hurt.
On spoilers - also the whole goddamm culture shifted. A lot of people won't pickup a game until they see at least gameplay vid of it or read tens of posts etc. Spoilers became culturally mainstream.
I do not partake and dive blind most of the time and still got that wonderfull wonder sensation I got as a kiddo.
Only ya know. We got so powerfull machines now that devs tend to focus on looks rather than story/gameplay. Thankfully slowly changing, in parts thanks to indie devs.
On on hand, yes. On the other...imagine frustration of management of companies making and selling AI services. This is such a sweet thing to imagine.
. . . does. Import whole ass library, use one function, once. Probably one of the easiest to implement yourself. Boom, file grew. Repeat. know most of the gun squad is on his side, yeah?
Meh, Morrowind ones ftw
This and uncanny ability to pickup shit on the go. Who the fuck just bows a little and scoops up water in their hooves to drink while running?! WHY AREN'T YOU STOPPING EVEN TO DRINK?!