
joined 2 years ago
[–] 19 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I've had to read a few old German documents for personal genealogical research and good god, the handwritten words were hard to make out. Spent like 20 minutes just trying to read the phrase "ein und funfzig" (51, as in 1851). Someone else who'd read those documents completely misread them and listed his birthyear 20 years later than it should be, implying he was a 13 year old boy when he married a 30-something year old woman.

[–] 20 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

4% of a fart is oxygen, according to the article, which is enough to react with all of the hydrogen-sulfide, since 1 mole of oxygen is enough to react with more than 1 mole of hydrogen-sulfide (H₂S makes up around 1% of the total volume).

[–] 210 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (12 children)

TL;DR: No. The half-life of hydrogen-sulfide (one of smelliest constituents of a fart) reacting with the oxygen in the jar from just your fart is 12-37 hours. The article gives an example of a particularly potent hypothetical fart that would only retain any distinguishable odor for 9 days tops.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Not too far from the one I came up with:

Show me your feet, boys

And taste my soles

Treat my toes like a tootsie roll and lick away

[–] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Lol, they look goofy as hell without anyone depicted to oppose them. Like, just a group of guys dramatically giving war cries and striking battle poses to a completely uninhabited stretch of shore.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You've changed the subject immediately, none of this has anything to do with a general strike. Did you seriously think I was talking about 2020 when I brought up Seattle? But hey, if you want to change the topic to another thing I'm pretty knowledgeable about, that's cool, too.

Oh right, I just remembered you also used to complain all the time about BLM because you had to briefly sit in traffic a couple times and now are on the side of the police state. Way to remind everyone of your petulant pettiness, too.

It sounds as though you're advocating against any kind of protest now. Your sentiment seems to indicate that if you don't get every single demand met permanently, then it was a total waste and you should've just stayed home and stayed silent, but that's ridiculous. It's worthwhile to stand up and fight against an unjust system simply for the sake of opposing evil in the world. Getting crushed under the boot of the police doesn't make you wrong for that. You don't protest with the expectation of winning any concessions, you protest to stand up for what's right.

Besides, cops having a way outsized budget was the case before the protests, too, so what's your point? It's still just as worthy of protest now as it was then. The protesters won concessions, but they were almost immediately and undemocratically reneged on. For all the "defund the police" hysteria the media threw around, it never really happened anywhere (not even Minneapolis), despite many promises from officials in major cities all over the country. It's like if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was dangled to get marches to stop and then it was thrown out as soon as they did. You make it sound like it was the fault of protesters that city councils nationwide voted to increase their police budgets after promising they'd decrease them.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

Tell that to Seattle.

General strikes can be localized, too. They don't need nationwide adoption.

I think I'll take my activism advice from someone who doesn't actively despise homeless people, but thanks, Jordan.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

I remember several years ago, I saw a 3-5 part comedic rap series on YouTube about a guy's journey to rehome a male duck (a "drake") that he randomly came into possession of, but I can't seem to find it no matter what I search. Unfortunately, since the songs are about an actual drake, as opposed to Drake, google doesn't want to play nice when using that term paired with the word "rap".

I actually remember a decent number of specific details and can picture it so easily in my head, but it's not getting me anywhere. It's a white guy (possibly from New York?) who wear glasses. He comes into possession of this duck he can't really take care of (part 1? Don't remember how), so he calls around to different animal refuges to see if they'd want to take him, but he gets told that male ducks are sexually aggressive and therefore most places wouldn't take him (part 2?), eventually he finds some hippy lady who seems oddly enthusiastic about receiving the duck, even after being informed the duck was a bit of a bully (part 3?). I think there may have been a concluding song as well and it's possible I missed a part.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? It probably wasn't super famous, so maybe not.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Indeed, Chinese cops laid siege to various universities during the Hong Kong protests, which were strongholds of opposition and organization, just like American universities have also been under siege at times for the same reasons regarding their Palestine protests. Cops never change and they'll always have the cop mindset, though I will say that American cops seem to be especially trigger-happy. From what I see, cops in most other countries are able to neutralize threats with non-lethal force most of the time. I never hear about German cops, who I believe also carry guns, shooting someone's dog or unloading into a guy failing to follow conflicting instructions being shouted at him. I can't claim to know much about German cops, though. Maybe someone with more knowledge could fill me in.

[–] 32 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

The Hong Kong protests, though... I'm not saying that's worse than American police, but I have little reason to believe they'd be much better, either. Your experience may not reflect the whole truth.

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

That's called a fossil word, a word that only ever gets used in a specific phrase. When was the last time you heard the word "inclement" outside of the phrase "inclement weather"?

[–] 38 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)


"I hate hot weather. I hate that other people are allowed to live in hot places. I also hate air conditioning, which makes the temperature more bearable in whatever clothing you choose. I also hate that people in schools or businesses are allowed to wear shorter clothing that makes hot weather more tolerable and would cut down on the need for air conditioning."

Like, do you want to be too hot, or don't you? Complaining about the weather while actively refusing to do even the simplest action of putting on cooler clothing and at the same time eschewing your only other options of AC or swimming. This is the bed you've made. When hot weather rolls around, the least you could do is lie in it quietly without casting shade at other people, who have no control over the weather. They're simply doing what's necessary to not be too hot, the same way you need to do what's necessary to not be too cold in frigid weather with heaters and extra layers of winter clothing. Since before humans even existed, our hominin ancestors have had to adapt to extreme temperatures using technology and know-how. That's just how it is, whether it's hot or cold weather. To get mad at others for your failure to adapt seems silly.

I prefer cold weather over hot myself, but this is just a wild take.

That's just my opinion, though.

[–] 49 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Japan has strawberries that can be $500+ each.


Cyber woman with corn

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