Cheers, its great fun and a fantastic opportunity to really pore over some truly fantastic art. I highly recommend it, even if there isn't a tiny person nagging you to do it.
joined 2 years ago
Have a look through some of the early 40k rulebooks, there is tons of black and white line art in them as it was much easier and cheaper to print.
I have done a bunch of colouring in with them when the wee one has told me to colour in space marines whilst they are working away in their colouring books.
It's fairly easy to find PDFs online, then you just need to crop the images and print them out.
I had a few requests to design an APC in the style of my battle tank, so I thought I would fulfil those requests.
Haha, no those are some Genestealer Cult proxies from Old School Miniatures, they are up on kickstarter just now.
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Thanks, it's quite similar to painting miniatures. I tend to block in the lighter tones and then gradually add shading.