The Trump administration is trying to make more Republican voters by making it harder to get higher education. The strongest indicator of a person being a Democrat or a Republican is the level of education that person has (Democrats are more likely to have a college degree than Republicans). This is shameful and it will harm the country. Many people are not going to be able to get a good education that leads to a good job because of this. Shame on the Trump administration and all it's supporters!
We need a good matador to show that Republican bull who's boss
This gave me a good laugh 😂 Like MAGAts are ever consistent with their views
The Trump administration is using deportation to crush freedom of speech of legal residents and tourists.
The whole Bible is a set of tales with many contradictory moral values, so that it can be applied to justify any morals the church feels like emphasizing at the moment
That's just a traffic sign saying that's how you'll feel after going through the port police control
Es España seguro. Las señales de tráfico lo delatan
Too real. It's insane the way ICE is allowed to treat people in the US. Even legal residents and visa holders are being harassed now
The way that I process this myself is telling me that relaxing is doing something. It really is good for your health to relax some times
A real American scam is believing that you need to monetize your hobbies. Any full time job should pay enough to sustain a person. Everyone deserves to have free time away from work to enjoy whatever they like without having to turn their free time into another income stream
Saying that Democrats are the same as Republicans when it come to enabling unrestrained capitalism and fascism is disingenuous. Yes, Neoliberal and centrist Democrats are closer to Republicans than progressive Democrats, but they are still a mile away when it comes to market deregulation to enable said unrestrained capitalism and the cult of personality that Trump is pushing